Meh... I guess you've all waited for this. My vote for the clan council, eh?
Well, of obvious reasons, I just, can't make up my mind on who to vote for. I mean, I'm one of the two who has got the most votes, Phail and me. It's... Well, obviously I'm happy for your votes guys. But... I guess, if I have to make up my mind, I would say something as the following:
- Autoz (Because I feel like you can do something, you can elaborate with ideas, I like that.)
- Phail (Well, the most obvious choice for me, as you were my leader in Phantom and here in Sigma.)
- Warcry (Aslask won't like this, but as of now, revolt failing, stuff going weird. Yes, I am slightly confused at this moment, but now, I just feel like we need someone with the personality of Warcry's in the council.)
- S3D (You've also been very close to me in this clan besides Aslask, I really don't know anyone else that well besides you, but still, I feel this council needs your ideas as well.)
- HiVoltage (Same goes for you as for Autoz.)
- Tapion (Yes, I know I'm voting for my self, but if you could have seen it from my point of view, I feel that's the best choice right now, as of the sixth member for the council.)
I'm still not sure about this, but I guess this is how it will stand right now from me. And I'm sorry, but I'm not sure about the seventh member.
Last edited by Tapion; Nov 2, 2009 at 06:26 PM.