Design, implement, and test a SINGLE RECURSIVE C function printArrayReverseForward such
that a call of reverseArrayReverseForward(array, 4) with array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} produces the
following output to the scren:
It was fun :_D
try it!
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
alan: waaay too basic, i know how to cout ;P
also, gorman, i dont get exactly what i have to do :S
is it i have to use the array a[5] {1,2,3,4,5}
to cout
I'd say dive headfirst to getting your head around object oriented programming principles. The examples above are well and good, but they can be done in languages like structural langs like C, basic etc
What I like to give as an exercise/project before was a Record Store. Its a database that reads from a file and you have to be able to display data, add data, update data and delete data.
That should get you a taste of a few principles in OOP. That or recreate a simple game of minesweeper in the terminal :]
Try to get any non-standard library working with your chosen compiler before you even begin of thinking to use C++ for anything, as I know many people who can't do that and give up. It's better to know early if you're not up to it, than quit midway.
After that, I suggest trying to get around the functions provided by the standard library, then understanding classes and pointers.
A lot of people i know tend to reinvent the wheel too much. If people have already made significant progress in a capability you want to have, you may as well use their libraries instead of remaking it from scratch