Original Post
1 billion dollars
You have one billion dollars what would you do with it?
(Be serious)

Donate 250 million to Charity.
Invest 50 million
5 million for collage.
1 million on a house and 10 million for a lifetime of Taxes and fees and other stuff.
250 Million to my family right away
100 million to Churches
50 million to scientific research on force fields.
The rest would be spent on other stuff.
Last edited by a_coathanger; Nov 4, 2009 at 04:18 AM.
1 Million for college,
50 million on a sweet house
50 million for a sweet car lol
100 million more for bonus houses on other places
9 million on party shit
the other 800 million for like videogames and surfing shit, including a sweet comp
that is actually a good choice.

for me:
500 million would go to charity and science stuff and church and community service.
200millione would be for my family
the rest for me
Donate about 5 million to charity. ( I just realized I'm a greedy bitch compared to rest of you xD)
100 million to help my mom's debt (every one has problems xD)
a good 10 million in a good house and car
1 million for college
1 million for personal use
The rest I would just chill with put it in a bank, clear up my friends credit (later years that is, too young for that), pay my child's education/grand children's education (later years too),

If I had 1 billion xD
I wouldn't have a strict list of things to do with it, not at all.
I would want to buy all the shit on the info-mercials, to see if they are actually legit, and if they are it would be awesome. I would also be a n00b and donate some millions to charity. Give 1million to hampa so he makes me bruise colors.

And most importantly, enjoy life, try things I haven't done before, and die happy.
the god
700 million to invest in zombie virus creation
240 million to invest in zombie virus cure
10 million to invest in zombie apocolypse back-up plan

100 million sat on just in case the zombie virus doesn't get manufactured on time.

I would LOVE to see the world get hit by a zombie pandemic, and then have either a scary, short, but thrilling life, or become savior of mankind when the 240 million dollar cure finally gets made (not funding the cure till AFTER I get my zombies).

Let mankind fight for their right to survive.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
i really am not sure what specifically, but i would want to manufacture something, and give it free to every single person on the planet. like some kind of cell phone, or maybe just a house or clothing, but something useful to everyone and something that could help bring the world together.

i would also kill some people. like joseph kony, that one kid who got me sent to the principle's office in kidnergarten, that one jew who stole my money, and i'd probably make a few more enemies.
◕ ◡ ◕ [VIP]
Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
700 million to invest in zombie virus creation
240 million to invest in zombie virus cure
10 million to invest in zombie apocolypse back-up plan

100 million sat on just in case the zombie virus doesn't get manufactured on time.

I would LOVE to see the world get hit by a zombie pandemic, and then have either a scary, short, but thrilling life, or become savior of mankind when the 240 million dollar cure finally gets made (not funding the cure till AFTER I get my zombies).

Let mankind fight for their right to survive.

Fucking brilliant.

I would travel, probably until I died. Everyone I love would be taken care of, and a few charities would be as well.

I dont get why some of you are saying college. If you are filthy rich, you dont need college as you can learn anything you want on your own time, probably from direct sources.

Originally Posted by Carlton View Post
i really am not sure what specifically, but i would want to manufacture something, and give it free to every single person on the planet. like some kind of cell phone, or maybe just a house or clothing, but something useful to everyone and something that could help bring the world together.

i would also kill some people. like joseph kony, that one kid who got me sent to the principle's office in kidnergarten, that one jew who stole my money, and i'd probably make a few more enemies.

What the hell?
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by deady View Post

What the hell?

I know right xD

Originally Posted by Carlton View Post
i really am not sure what specifically, but i would want to manufacture something, and give it free to every single person on the planet. like some kind of cell phone, or maybe just a house or clothing, but something useful to everyone and something that could help bring the world together.

i would also kill some people. like joseph kony, that one kid who got me sent to the principle's office in kidnergarten, that one jew who stole my money, and i'd probably make a few more enemies.

Really man, what the fuck. Just make a list like the rest of us.

NEW LIST PEOPLE: A better more in depth view of my 1 billion.

20 million on a badass house/car
1 million on a bunch of hookers
10 million on pimpin my house and cars
300 million on starting a show on MTV (Yeah)
600 million for my greedy self.

Im joking people, chill, 1 mill to charity
Last edited by qq5ben; Nov 4, 2009 at 06:25 AM.