Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
I'm selling tc.

1$=5k + head avatar
2$=10k + head avatar + 25 orc bloods
5$=25k +head avatar + adamantium blood and torso
10$=50k + head avatar + 3hydra torsos + neptune ghost + trail texture
20$=100k + head avatar + 100 orc bloods + copper torso + bumpmap chest & right biceps + amethyst secondary gradient + toxic torso + 2 trail textures
100$=500k + all my items
525 000 available.
*If you're interested- send me a message.
*If you want other bonuses - send me a message too.
*My paypal account is [email protected]
Last edited by Dumbellman; Nov 6, 2009 at 07:16 PM.
when you will get more than your brown belt and hit black, you will see that there are more items in the game, not only orc bloods....

this smells like scam...
||Donate me ^^|| Proud member of [Addicted]||10th DAN||Buy TC here!
1.You think that i'm brown belt? I'm nearly 2nd dan.
2.Where do you see scam here?
3.About orc bloods - some people just don't have sense of humor.
Last edited by Dumbellman; Nov 5, 2009 at 06:58 PM.
1.I'm nearly 2nd dan and this isn't my first prophile... That chart haven't been updated for a while. Now i have black belt and 1846qi.

2.KozmikKaos- who won?

3.Players don't buy my tc because "i'm brown"?
Last edited by Dumbellman; Nov 5, 2009 at 12:31 AM.
if you're gonna do this, just sell the tc... no one wants your brown belt account
MORALITY: A traditional code of decency that went out the window about the same time as belief in eternal damnation.
who cares if u are god belt or white belt...
this is a TCS shop! not "Selling brown belt account"
just sell tcs:|
Best signature ever.
It's great the you guys want to help out, but there's 5 posts too many saying generally the same thing, or arguing what's already been said... Buy TC or leave. Next user that posts with fantastic market tips gets infraction points.
I need some USD, fast - so here comes my final offer for 100 000 tc.
20$= 100k + 4(both arms and legs) trail textures (items) + 3hydra torsos + 3 adamantium bloods + toxic torso + amethyst force + hot pink relax + titan and supernova bloods + beetle force and relax + both arms and legs beetle trails + 3 head avatars + my head texture.

Offer will be available only next 24hours. Anyone interested? If no - i'm going back to browser games!