Original Post
206 766
Hmmh, what that number might mean?
When I check BludBank, I see that it has exactly 206 766 TC.
Now, I was wondering, what should we do with it? It's pretty silly to have that amount of TC just sitting in the bank... Except if you are Scrooge McDuck.

Well, does anyone have any suggestions what should we do with it?
One/few contests?
.....Only for Blood or for everyone? Imho the latter is better, because I bet not many of us are willing to join it... After all, we have 9 members and at least three of them are missing. .....:p
.....I have a few ideas for contests... They wouldn't be something entirely new... I haven't seen them in a while in the Game Events, though.
Clan video?
.....Again, missing members.
Bounty Hunting?
Not really sure. Bounty Hunting does sound nice, but it's more like the luck of meeting a bountied person first...
And about who can take part in it I say that Pandora has to be allowed to participate. Because they always let us in their stuff.
Clan Blood Leader
Okay, I've got three contest ideas.

LOL Contest #4
Not familiar with it?
Well, not a surprise.
Well, I thought about repeating the first one, AKA the funniest replay will win.
Of course, there could be other kinds of... Like funniest video, funniest picture edit... Or maybe even the funniest mod!

Hopea's challenges
Okay, well, a few months ago Hopea decided to challenge me by posting a few challenges which I should do with Toribash.
Replays are attached in this post. In case someone is interested:
Hopea's challenges number one - Make as much damage as possible. Well, this kind of challenge shouldn't be added, anyways :p
Hopea's challenges number two - Use random.lua. Decap Uke and either dismember his both arms or split him.
Hopea's challenges number three - Use wings.lua and engage distance 2000. Use the script to decap Uke.
Hopea's challenges number four - Decap Uke with Tori. Make Uke throw his head to the air. Do a skeetshot to Uke's head with Tori.
So, eh, maybe we could make 10 - 20 of same kind of challenges and give a prize for each one? They can also be something related to modding and art... Maybe even scripting!
Kinda like achievements with prizes.

Chuunin exam tournament
Okay, well, there are many Naruto haters in this community, so this name wouldn't be used.
As you probably guessed, this idea is from Naruto.
In Naruto, the tournament was a normal 1 vs 1 tournament with 8 participants... But the goal wasn't to win the tournament. The goal was to impress the judges... And the one who became the Chuunin in that tournament actually lost the first match (well, he could've won but instead he surrendered because didn't want to suffer for nothing, if I can remember right), but his strategy thinking made him become the only Chuunin from that class.

Well, in Toribash this could be implemented the same way, except that the one who has the most style in his replay(s) will win.
As Hopea suggested, there could be a prize for the one who wins the tournament, but the prize shouldn't be anywhere near the grand prize.

What do you think?

Originally Posted by Randoma View Post
I should be more active in the forums, dear god.

Sounds good to me.

Lolsup ;o
Join server Blood plx
Hopea's challenges or the "chuunin" exam both sound pretty nice.
I'll also try to come up with something.
Clan Blood Leader
Ok so, I came up with something, some of these I've explained ingame too but I'll post them here anyway.

First about challenges:
Both free for all (=open) and only for members (maybe Pandora and Thearael also?) (=closed) challenges.

Having challenges in waves, not all at once but a few at a time.

We could also have a texturemaking challenge as a reward for a closed challenge.

Also my newest idea: We could have that "Chuunin" exam like tournament after the challenges, with only around 10 or so slots and to enter you need a "ticket". And some of the challenges have tickets as rewards.

Questions about these? Just ask away.
Clan Blood Leader
Sounds pretty sweet to me. =D So the Chuunin exam thing would be to impress with awesome skills and style, not to win?
Originally Posted by EverBlade2 View Post
Sounds pretty sweet to me. =D So the Chuunin exam thing would be to impress with awesome skills and style, not to win?

That's absolutely right.
EDIT: Sorry for posting such a short post, I had to switch classes...

Originally Posted by Hopea View Post
Also my newest idea: We could have that "Chuunin" exam like tournament after the challenges, with only around 10 or so slots and to enter you need a "ticket". And some of the challenges have tickets as rewards.

Questions about these? Just ask away.

Hmmh, well... I'm not really sure, would everyone who get tickets join the tournament?
There's a big possibility that all 10 tickets would be given away, but at least one can't get into the tournament... And well, wouldn't it be ruined, then? :p

I had an idea a while ago in my mind, but now I have forgotten it... Damn.
Hopefully I'll remember soon.
Last edited by Tonakai; Nov 10, 2009 at 07:57 AM.
Originally Posted by EverBlade2 View Post
Sounds pretty sweet to me. =D So the Chuunin exam thing would be to impress with awesome skills and style, not to win?

Aye, but by not getting eliminated in the first rounds you get to show your awesome skills more.

Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
That's absolutely right.
Hmmh, well... I'm not really sure, would everyone who get tickets join the tournament?
There's a big possibility that all 10 tickets would be given away, but at least one can't get into the tournament... And well, wouldn't it be ruined, then?

We could have some "secondary tickets" which are only valid if someone of the 10 doesn't show up.
E: And also, we might not neccessarily run all the fights at a time. Atleast have the first round like just 2 contestants fighting to best of 3 or maybe 5 and just posting the replays. Ofc a judge has to be present.
Clan Blood Leader