GMT+0 as in it would actually be midnight, I will be able to do it I fink dont worry. Yeh its fine I can do it.
Flaming gets you nowhere.

For destiny it could be hard he's +1...

maybe wannin and Wolverine?
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Last night wolverine sent me flame mail, make it wannin you invite.

EDIT: the PM he sent me.


xXWolverineWepXx's Avatar

Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 192

"WE" won the war
you didnt win the war. We did. I realy dont give a fuck on what you say, but dont go lieing to your clan saying "We Won!!!" When you got your ass handed to you. You really need to get a life and stop grobbling about how we said THE FUCK WITH YOU GET OUT!!! i really didnt think you should have gone. Then again i was a brand new member when you left. So why dont you stop this hatred against the Hunters and just deal with the facts. You got your ass handed to you. THats that. I would admit when i was defeated. You should to. I really think you should do more with your life then grobble over who won and who lost. You really need to stop.
Owner of gigavids, Join now!
I'd rather die on my feet, then live on my knees.

So yeh make it wannin.
Wolverine, I'd suggest you to read what I wrote about flaming.

This is a serious warning.
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