At last, getting this on Thursday for the pc. Will be awsome, I been waiting since they day the announced this. That was a few years ago :>

Hope it lives up to the expectations.
I'll have to say, my weekend is saved. One of the best dialouges I seen since Kotor, I do not know about Baldurs gate since I haven't played it.

The combat is fun, the music is great and the voice actors does a great job, the settings and the enviorments is just purley awsome as well. I got stuck at a group of people who was being instructed about these Darkspawns. Nothing that had anything with the main story to do but it is the small details that does the game, Bioware did a great job with this one.
I don't like the fighting, really. "Hold button to kill stuff" has never been my idea of a good game. The interaction with the characters saves it for me though.
collect snots from the nose
I don't like the fighting, really. "Hold button to kill stuff" has never been my idea of a good game. The interaction with the characters saves it for me though.

Well you never need to hold any button to kill stuff. Just pause the game, issue orders then watch it roll. Of course, when you are playing on nightmare you need to give out orders more frequently.

It is all a matter of taste, I love the combat. Very strategic which I like since I am mainly playing strategy game with a few exceptions.
Yeah this game looks epic, im getting it for christmas and cant wait.
This is my story..... and your not part of it
I have it. Been playing it as a warrior chick, level 10 now I think.

The other thread was closed so, we can discuss it here if anyone wants to.

My favorite part about it is the storyline, the captivating characters, and the voice acting. The combat system reminds me of kotor, which I always enjoyed. There are some things that I don't get, like the fact that your character and party members are covered in blood splatters head to toe after every little fight, and that the difficulty level is really, really high. But overall a keeper.
Anyone playing a mage?

Can't figure what specialization i should choose. I wanted shapeshifter at first, but various places on the net say it's teh suck.
I've played a mage, and shapeshifting does indeed suck. Firstly, you lose all of your spells once you change form, which stops you being a mage. Secondly, if you wanted to play as a class that uses melee the whole time, why not just play as a fighter? Last but not least, Morrigan is already a shapeshifter, so if you really feel the urge to play as one, just control her for a while.

In my opinion, Spirit Healer is by far the best specialization. The group heal and the in-combat revival are both invaluable during those long fights. Blood Mage comes a close second, as blood control is one of the best offensive moves in the game. It either places the creature under your control, or hits it for some massive damage. The Blood Sacrifice move can be really useful in tricky situations, especially if you have someone with the Ranger specialization in your party, so you can just sacrifice their pet to get yourself back to full health.

So really it depends on what role you want to play. For dishing out butt-loads of damage, choose Blood Mage. If you prefer a support type role, go with Spirit Healer

(I haven't played as an Arcane Warrior, so I can't say anything about it)
Do you have Morrigan yet?

I find that using her abilities to actually change into something else is kind of pointless... you can't even cast any of your spells (after you've changed). Spamming regular arcane magic is the way to go.