The 'smell' of things.
Not too long ago, I realized I could 'smell' a situation. And that 'smell' would be registered in my brain as good, bad, sexy, disgusting, nostalgic etc. And I was wondering if any of you people have had something like that.
On another note: Have you ever had to make a triangle with your vision, or if you step on a vine-print on your carpet, you count to nine?
It has nothing to do with ghosts and shit. More to do with the way we think.
A couple of hours ago, I used my knees to draw this; on the side of my friend's car.
The dot's represent where my knee would stop, and then create a new starting point adjacent or below/above the red dot it was currently on.
Anyway, have any of you had that 'smell'? Have any of you had that 'feeling' that you just HAD TO DO SOMETHING and/or SOMETHING would go wrong, or right for you.
I have since lost my 'smell' but retain the twin gifts of idiocy and misfortune to be caught in the act serveral times. Like touching a wall exactly three times in a certain place.
My mother said, 'What the fuck are you doing, are you mental?'.