Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
I think you're all generalizing faggots (well, most of you at least).

Art has gotten dumbed down on all mediums. Music, painting, writing - whatever. Our generations music is shit, our paintings look like crap, and our writing is retarded. It's ok by todays standards. Also, how old are we? We're teens. How the hell are we supposed to have mastered ANY artform yet?

Besides, even if kids today are over-sensitive, we're told by the rapists, teachers, etc, that writing is a good way to express feelings. Alot of kids are depressed, and alot like to use different methods to get those feelings out.

I don't care for the whole emo-trend myself, but people that I know and [somewhat] like do. They're not retarded. There was a time when I cared enough to try and stick out from the masses, but then you realize, hey - you just step into another shitty sub-culture. They like the clothing, they like the hair-do's - good for them. I bet you guys wear much cooler clothes/have much cooler hair.

Oh, by the way, stop sourcing from your shitty american tv/e-shows.

One last thing: a_coathanger, stop inserting your shitty republican propaganda thanks.

I've met alot of emos and suicidal bitches and altogether they mostly have anger mangment issues and may need a tinsy bit of help.
bring back wibbles