Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[auction] 3rd dan with 800k tc account
name: superkeest
qi: 3702
toricredits: 803,475
full textures with texture set (set cost 40k)
huge head flame (forge cost 125k)

Small inventory also, check market for shop owned by superkeest

His account is banned from the market right now, so he cannot post in this thread. But pm him if you have any questions.

Starting bid: 50$
min raise: 5$
autobuy: 120$

ends in 1 week.
Yea he quit, doesn't have time anymore. He just wants to get some of the money he put into the game back. Feel free to pm him about it. Other wise i'll tell him your interested if it doesn't sell.

sup, superkeest

If anyone wants to purchase the account they can PM him. Otherwise, he's not allowed to post in the Market.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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