Original Post
DeadKenny's TC Shop

5$ = 25'000 TC
10$ = 50'000 TC + Any item from ToriShop / Market worth 40'000 TC or less*
20$ = 100'000 TC + Any item from ToriShop / Market worth 90'000 TC or less*
30$ = 150'000 TC + Any item from ToriShop / Market worth 150'000 TC or less*
50$ = 250'000 TC + Any item from ToriShop / Market worth 300'000 TC or less*

Opening Promotion:
"Collectors Card: DeadKenny" is given to first 3 customers (regardless of the amount bought)!
2 Cards Left!

Avaliable For Sale:
~ 1'000'000 TC.

Payment Methods:
PayPal: [email protected] (PayPal Help Center)
WebMoney: WMR - R245910391440 (purse for RUB), 1$ = 30RUB**
WMZ - Z319597921913 (purse for USD)
WME - E195180078192 (purse for EUR)
WebMoney Wiki (Russian Only)

How Do I Place An Order?
You can place your oder through this thread/PM/IRC (query) mentioning the amount of TC you would like to purchase as well as the bonus item, after I confirm it you can send me the money through PayPal or WebMoney, in both cases you need to mention your forum nickname in "note".

* at the time the order is confirmed it has to be in stock/not sold and you must have required amout of Qi in order to receive it.
* при условии, что когда я подтвержу заказ этот итем будет в наличии/не продан и что у Вас будет достаточно Qi что бы его получить.
** (For Russian Buyers on, exchange rate) Т.е. если Вы совершаете покупку на 5$ вы отправляете 150 рублей, не считая комиссию WebMoney.
Last edited by DeadKenny; Dec 22, 2009 at 12:39 PM.