Yes for Both

For marriage I don't see any reason as to why to gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married. Being gay isn't really a choice I think. I believe your born attracted to a certain sex, and your ability to marry shouldn't be taken just because your not attracted to the opposite sex.

I say yes to adoption because I don't think it should matter who raises you whether they're a man and woman, or two of either. As long as they're people who are smart and responsible enough to raise a child, I see no problem with it.
Originally Posted by hydrotoxin View Post
True enough, but what I was getting at was that the primary goal of human partnership is reproduction. Love and devotion are unquantifiable concepts, and I prefer to think of them as null, although I am a member of a very tiny minority in that belief.

If we assume nihilistic values (or rather lack of) to be true, then there are still some big "rational" arguments that stand in the way of the denial of gay marriage. The main thing being is that marriage provides countless benefits - denying marriage due to a completely unrelated matter of sexual orientation is absurd and is against the constitution - all men are treated equally before the law. Homosexuals do not infringe upon the rights of others - yet they are stripped of potential benefits. Contradiction?

Then again, a nihilist would argue that human rights are bullshit and that there should be no such thing as marriage, and that we should breed in accordance to eugenics. But that's beside the point.

Besides, it economically makes sense to allow gay marriage and adaption - less money will be spent on orphans if they get adopted by the gay couples.

Originally Posted by hydrotoxin View Post
Again, you bring up a good point, but there isn't enough research on the subject to tip the scales either way-- I just prefer to play it on the safe side. And one example (especially in elementary school-- I don't even think I knew what a homosexual was until the 6th grade) does not an argument make. I suppose if nobody found out it would work out just fine, but alas, once it got out it would spread like wildfire in middle/high school.

"That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger." -Nietzsche
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
"That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger." -Nietzsche

What about extreme brain damage?
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by hydrotoxin View Post
True enough, but what I was getting at was that the primary goal of human partnership is reproduction. Love and devotion are unquantifiable concepts, and I prefer to think of them as null, although I am a member of a very tiny minority in that belief.

Quantifiable, not quantifiable...why care?...They are REAL in a sense that they effect the individuals and, in turn, society. Suffering is also not quantifiable, but a society functions worse and worse the more of that stuff is present.
If, on the other hand, you care none for society or human suffering, why even bother trying to tip the scales either way?

As long as marriage bears tangible, practical benefits (tax cuts, ability to marry someone from overseas thus granting them citizenship, etc) it should not be denied to any adult citizens.
Last edited by Odlov; Dec 5, 2009 at 11:32 PM.
Yes to "Domestic Partnership", done by a lawyer, not a priest.

Yes to adoption.

Homosexuality isn't a disease. It's a life choice. And not a bad one at that. It's just different. It's a mocker of civil liberties to not have equality based off sexual preferences too. We can't control who we love. And some "holy book" isn't the dictator of law. That's why there is a separation between church and state.

Personally, I don't even understand the opposition to why you wouldn't allow domestic partnership. If it's not done by a priest, it's none of your business. And who says homosexual's wouldn't make good parents? They go through more emotional hardships than anyone else right now. They can actually relate and help their children more than most can.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I agree. Most of the time homosexual people have the most nuturing qualities than heterosexual's. I myself am not homosexual but I do support gay marraige and adoption because I feel that everyone should be treated as eqauls under everyone's eyes mo matter who they are. I have a very simple question to those who are strongly against gay marraige:


I mean, if a gay couple got married, why should you care? It's not your business, they love each other as much as you might love your wife or husband. And I also agree with Hxcbbqimo, that not having EVERYBODY have their own sexual preferences is a horrible thing to do, but it also violates our civil liberties and natural rights as people.
Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo View Post
Yes to "Domestic Partnership", done by a lawyer, not a priest.

Yes to adoption.

Homosexuality isn't a disease. It's a life choice. And not a bad one at that. It's just different. It's a mocker of civil liberties to not have equality based off sexual preferences too. We can't control who we love. And some "holy book" isn't the dictator of law. That's why there is a separation between church and state.

Personally, I don't even understand the opposition to why you wouldn't allow domestic partnership. If it's not done by a priest, it's none of your business. And who says homosexual's wouldn't make good parents? They go through more emotional hardships than anyone else right now. They can actually relate and help their children more than most can.

Alas, domestic partnerships never have the same benefits as an actual marriage does. If we are to deny them marriage, then strip "marriage" of all it's practical benefits and make it a purely religious ceremony which has no effect on your wallet.
Originally Posted by hydrotoxin View Post
No for marriage and no for adoption.

Marriage: they can't procreate, so they are of no use. While they are capable of being functioning members of society, they serve absolutely no purpose in furthering it in any way, so I see no reason to support it.

Adoption: the child would be ridiculed to no end, and may very well end up hating his adoptive parent due to the endless torment by his peers. In addition, the child may end up being gay himself (unless they've finally proven homosexuality is a genetic defect), which would perpetuate a pointless cycle.

Hey, do your research before saying shit, okay?
Calling homosexuality a "defect" is highly offensive.
Either way.

Marriage: Yes, knowing homosexuality is not a choice, I support gay marriage.

Adoption: Sure, but it would need a lot of explanation to the child as to why he/she has two mothers/fathers and not one of each. So the people who evaluate the parents should require an explanation on how they plan on explaining that and rate that and count that highly in the final evaluation.
Originally Posted by hydrotoxin View Post
True enough, but what I was getting at was that the primary goal of human partnership is reproduction. Love and devotion are unquantifiable concepts, and I prefer to think of them as null, although I am a member of a very tiny minority in that belief.

you sound like you need to get some.


Why shouldn't homosexuals have the right to marry, adopt a child, and lead a life together in the same way as straight couples...well the arguments against are so ridiculous that the question is hardly worthy of a debate. It'll offend people? It's 'unethical'? Every time it's the same arguments from closed minded homophobes.

I would not only support gay couples having the right to marriage and adoption, but go as far as to encourage it as a step towards modernising the world's attitude. It's a real disgrace that a country like america can make the technological and economical advancements that it has and still have people complaining about same sex marriage.