Christmas Lottery
What do Fences and White people have in common?
- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby
first joke: the obth have horns OLOLOLLO
Second joke: the both get Jumped by Mex*cans
- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby
lol the second one was good,
the first one....

anyways, i got another joke
why do black people have white
hands and feet?
why? Hmm?
anyway lets not get to racist I allready feel bad for posting the first one.
- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby