Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Adamantium set!!!
Adamantium Blood - 4k
Adamantium DQ - 4k
Adamantium Emote - 4k
Adamantium Force - 4k
Adamantium Ghost - 4k
Adamantium Grip - 4k
Adamantium Left Hand Motion Trail - 4k
Adamantium Left Leg Motion Trail - 4k
Adamantium Primary Gradient - 4k
Adamantium Relax - 4k
Adamantium Right Hand Motion Trail - 4k
Adamantium Right Leg Motion Trail - 4k
Adamantium Secondary Gradient 8k
Adamantium Timer - 4k
Adamantium Torso - 4k
Adamantium User Text - 4k

I sell full set for 25K!!!
Last edited by dispet4er; Dec 17, 2009 at 01:15 PM.
I doubt if he even has the set.

Hes got the prices all wrong, dq 8K? The same price as the force?

post here your inventory link to convince us. :_
Ah, I'm too lazy.

Well if he does have it, I guess, yeah. :P

But I still think Adamantium 8k is a crazy price