Secret Santa 2024
confirmed, waiting until i have the money then this account is officially robomohawk's

and thanks for the kind words odlov and deady

edit: selling to robomohawk turned out to be a dud, account still for sale.

idk but i think its still for sale
bdo, why must you leave? your a legend man...I wish you a pleasent future.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
Originally Posted by Robo-Mohawk View Post
RoboMHawk and Robo-Mohawk = completely different people. Idiot.

oops, anyways.. the sale to roboMhawk turned out to be a dud with him not paying, etc
Originally Posted by Lucker View Post
deutsch oder?
was hälts du von meim angebot?

yepp, deutsch

replied to in pm, account not yet sold.
In all respectfulness. This is a sale thread, not a good-bye thread, if he wanted to have baws, and iwilmisubros it would've been posted elsewhere. Further good-bye messages will be deleted/infracted.
bdo, me and a mate commonly buy accounts together, can you keep this going till I get a chance to contact him? We can normally fight off most competitors bids.