Originally Posted by supernada View Post
wow FC nice idea, i hope it works (yeah it's working ;) )

good luck guys, Omega is amazing :3 Cya


It was actually, JCīs/TPīs idea.

Im just giving a hand in the MARTIAL Arts part lol
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Ok first my little brother can pwn you all at judo[not so hard] second wushu is moves
if I will play 10 hours at wushu in sp and try to nake a move I would be the best wushuer in the fucking game third akido? I will have to see this.
Now like I said just do a normal fight and you will see all the skill and style.

And its annoying me that he can try the test and my friends cant, they begginers but I can make them better then all of you in a week.
Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?
Hey sagi,

We opened the training academy up! Bring your n00b friends here and they can apply. Who said your friends can't take the test? no one! Stop trying to cause trouble. It is what it is. 'nuff said.


Here's a nice art challenge for you. Make a head texture of Bebop from Teenage mutant ninja turtles. Except instead of making it cartoony, let's try to make it look realistic. Post your step by step process.

jc, feel free to add anything else.
Last edited by TomPaine; Dec 19, 2009 at 07:54 PM.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
First, your friends CAN try, thats the point of the fīing School!!!

Also, we are testing ppl to see if they are good in MP, just testing to see if they can run or be able to be 1k frames without being disqualified, doesnīt help to see if they are good in MP.

EDIT: Sorry, i didnīt noticed that TP already replied.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Originally Posted by TomPaine View Post
Hey sagi,

We opened the training academy up! Bring your n00b friends here and they can apply. Who said your friends can't take the test? no one! Stop trying to cause trouble. It is what it is. 'nuff said.


Here's a nice art challenge for you. Make a head texture of Bebop from Teenage mutant ninja turtles. Except instead of making it cartoony, let's try to make it look realistic. Post your step by step process.

jc, feel free to add anything else.

i will do it once i redownload gimp for the laptop
i know im gonna fail....

forgot to post bits alon the way
Last edited by Constipate; Dec 19, 2009 at 11:18 PM.
Ok so here we can invite ppl that are below black belt and test their artistic, martial skill, and strength of mind so they can be omega or omega juniors?
^^ We test them so they could be omega juniors and later when they are over blackbelt they're omega.

So basically moreless what you said :P