Original Post
My Aikido Replay
Hey i was in aikido and everyone was saying id lose, and then the best save happened

Thread moved to multiplayer replays. Please post in the appropriate subforum in the future.
Attached Files
AWSOME AIKIDO SAVE!!.rpl (57.1 KB, 34 views)
Last edited by Chozo; Dec 21, 2009 at 03:23 AM.
Lol! Nice save, at first I looked at that and was like o.o "kinda boring so far" then your tori looked like he completely turned his torso around or something and I was like O.o"WutTehEff??" Lol. Nice replay.
Nyak nyak.
Really, he used his right leg to yoga over his WHOLE body so that it'd touch the ground, THEN he turned around his body.
A friend with weed is a friend indeed
[lit] [o] [ML]