Christmas Lottery
He should fail, he is going to do better now because he knows what he did wrong.


Cleverbot: Hello.

User: How do you do?

Cleverbot: I am fine.

User: I am fine too.

Cleverbot: Do you play chess?

User: No. I do not.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: I find it boring.

Cleverbot: Okay, answer me this: I think that you are a real person, and you think that you're talking to cleverbot, which is exactly what I'm doing.

User: I am real.You're a bot.

Cleverbot: NO, YOU'RE the bot.

User: No , Im a real person.

Cleverbot: Who names their child Cleverbot?

User: No one.Thats why your a bot.And your name says your a bot clever'bot'.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot?

User: Yes.Thats your name right?

Cleverbot: Hmmm, this is your site. my name is Cleverbot.

User: This Is Not My Site.

Cleverbot: I don't care what your name is.

User: Good Bye.

Cleverbot: Now good bye, what?

User: Im going to go.

Cleverbot: Go where?

User: Off this site.

Your personality type is ESTP Type descriptionsOn the basis of your answers to the test you are placed in one of sixteen types. What type you are says quite a bit about you - your likes and dislikes, your likely career choices, your compatibility with others, and so on. Click here to read about your personality type.
Type watching in team situations
Having information about personality types and preferences can be quite useful. Once you understand the basic personality preferences under which people operate, as well as your own preferences, you can begin to find ways to more effectively work with opposite types or even your own type. Through type watching, you can find ways to build upon people's strengths and improve many group activities, such as time management, conflict resolution, problem solving, and team building.

3a) Stick Fighting Rocks
b) This Clan Seems AWESOME
c) I am very irritable
d) pro : I am Pretty good with the game so i can get money for the clan
con : i am not good with art
put your text here! only 50 a week
25k head request- Wiirus
I already said he fails, so it's up to the coldr's. But you still missed two "your vs you're" and you missed a "thats vs that's" too. :3

"User: No one.Thats why your a bot.And your name says your a bot clever'bot'."
Last edited by TomPaine; Dec 21, 2009 at 07:04 PM.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Sorry, but it´s a NO from me.

You´re art skills, from 0/10 are like 0.5 and those Answers in the Mind tests weren´t very "clever".
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
I think its up to kungfujc now...if he says no...well its a no
if he says yes..i dont know
plus would you mind if i retook the art test?
put your text here! only 50 a week
25k head request- Wiirus
Since I cannot speak for Jc, and I don't know what he'll say well wait for his opinion. I dunno what kind of argument he'd have for excepting you but we'll see.(or not) Well whatever happens thank you for being the first victim of our training academy!
PigeonHive Flap Buzz