Clan shop:
Shop clerk- Stellargod

change please if needed.
by the way, please add Prototype to the allies if you could,
they are fantastic friends of mine and a 
very strong clan. of course add if approved.
sorry for double post.
Last edited by DjPz; Dec 22, 2009 at 06:13 AM. Reason: i r soundin bossy :S
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
I know the edit button, I was already halfway thru the post sorry,
let alone I wasnt thinking straight. I R RETARD.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
Yea put him on please. He is still my buddy and I LOVES HIM. In a homo kinda way.
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!