Christmas Lottery
Any special ingame actions? Run? Dance?:i can run
Are you Forum/Ingame active?:yes
Why should we pick you?:cuz i like this clan and i wan't be part of it
What do you have to offer this clan?:skills and fun
Belt: 2dan Blackbelt and above:i have 2dan blackbelt
Bans or Infractions:0
Previous Clans:YES
Do you make any art? Videos?:no
2 classic.tbm replays
2 Multiplayer replays
Attached Files
my head+arm=boom.rpl (51.6 KB, 4 views)
aas.rpl (54.8 KB, 4 views)
ks.rpl (57.7 KB, 5 views)
Ok a yes from me because I know him for 1 year I think When I was a brown belt we wanned to make a clan and he was the best from us somehow! He always wins me in judo, he was best at wushu at that time so he is really skilled! His replays were deleted thats why they are so bad he made them really fast! So still a Yes from me!