Christmas Lottery
Re: Signature Moves, anyone?
Ha... that's one I used to do all the time... but it's not very useful in multiplayer, at all. If you could find a way to make it fast enough, feel free to brag about it and post a replay.

You might find something about a "sit-up punch kinda thing, but I don't have it working yet" somewhere earlier in the topic... that was me trying to make the move work... but I gave up on it after it got me a streak of 5 losses in multi...

If you could get a replay of it winning a match, post it up here, I've always wanted to see it work.
Re: Signature Moves, anyone?
If there's any move I'd call my own, it'd be this one:


Could someone help me out?
Re: Signature Moves, anyone?
Heres mine, it sorta twists and pins the opponent down.

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Re: Signature Moves, anyone?
ManBreakfast, here to save the day once again...

To grab, simply click your hands, they should change to a thinner version, these will now stick to whatever they touch next, including yourself, so be careful with that.

To watch/save/upload videos...

Open your Toribash folder (CProgarm Files\Toribash) and look for a folder named "Replay". It should contain headkick3, asimov, and some others. These files are ".rvi", and any .rvi file in this folder will play when you open Toribash. Currently, to watch a video, you must place the .rvi file you want to see in the Replay folder, and run Toribash. (It doesn't work if you try opening the .rvi with Toribash as an executor... not sure why) If you have several videos in the Replay folder, hit the Escape button on your keyboard, it will bring up a main menu kinda thing. The option marked "replay" is a list of every .rvi file you have in the Replay folder. Simply click it and it will play.

After a really nice move you pull off, hit "f" on your keyboard to open a very simple option, with 2 places to enter text. REMEMBER NOT TO USE ANY SPACES IN THE FILENAME, AS IT WILL MESS AROUND WITH THE CHARACTER NAMES. Under "author", type in your little gamertag, and hit enter on your keyboard to save. It will automatically be placed in the Replay folder.

At the bottom of the "Post Reply" text box, there's this little link marked "Additional Options...". Click it to open some little boxes you don't need to worry about, and this little bar with a button marked "browse" next to it. Hit browse to search through your Replay or Autosave folder to find the file, and hit OK to enter it into the bar. After that, you can click the "more attachments" link to open up to 4 attachments.

Editing Heads
I know nobody asked for this... but to edit your head, you have to go into Adobe Photoshop (if you have it, if not, then you need something that can save a Targa file (.tga) and I don't think Paint can do that) and look in that same Toribash folder and find the Heads folder. Inside are several Targa files. You can open any one of them up, (I'd suggest opening Tori so you can kinda see how it wraps) and begin to edit. Now, because the picture will wrap around in a sideways fashion, you will have to kinda sqeeze it from both sides. It's a little hard to explain... but you see my little avatar-type image under my name on the left of this post? In order to make it look like that on my dude's head, I had to draw it as an oval, taller than it is wide. The image will also wrap sideways, but kinda either cut the corners out, or skew the image until it's just one big oval to wrap over the head... I'm not sure which it is, so just try and not use the corners. If you can't make or open a targa file, send me a gif image of what you want on your head, and I'll do my best in Photoshop... and I can't promise I can get to everyone, because I have a life, and I still like to have time to pwn in Toribash, I'm not here to serve you or anything. But I will help you guys out.
Re: Signature Moves, anyone?
My signature move is somewhat a secret! Needless to say, it involves lots of landing on my head, self-dismemberment and general flailing around
I has a flavour
Re: Signature Moves, anyone?
Originally Posted by slainveteran
My signature move is somewhat a secret! Needless to say, it involves lots of landing on my head, self-dismemberment and general flailing around

That sounds like a party! It would be interesting if you removed EVERY joint from your body. You could be on TV (or atleast the internet :P)!
Re: Signature Moves, anyone?
Originally Posted by Ryu
Originally Posted by slainveteran
My signature move is somewhat a secret! Needless to say, it involves lots of landing on my head, self-dismemberment and general flailing around

That sounds like a party! It would be interesting if you removed EVERY joint from your body. You could be on TV (or atleast the internet :P)!

He's already on the internet :
Re: Signature Moves, anyone?
I have more strategies for you guys, and I finally got that falling leg thingy to work.

This is an actual multiplayer match. Both opponents did not grab. Now, while a no-grab match is just as effective as one with grabs, it's not a wise choice to simply move straight in. If you plan to punch rather than grab, remember to twist your lumbar and chest so you move your hands in a strange way... to avoid what happens in the clip from happening to you.

Moony is Limp
This is a dude I recently met over multiplayer, MoonStriKe. He managed to win several fights by being in the bathroom, and this is one of them. If you play a grabber, you can go limp as a tactic, but a really good grabber will probably manage to slam you to the floor. Most people tend to grab and kick at their opponent. That brings them in closer, so they're more liable to fall victim to the afk tactic.

Leg Snap
I managed to make it work, but you have to aim low and hope it breaks their leg... Not a very good tactic, but it definitely worked here.

Sideways Flip Slam
I think I mentioned the backflip slam with a midair twist somewhere before... This move never quite made it back to the floor, but you can see that if you're twisted sideways, it's just as easy if not easier to flip your opponent. The real trick to it is knowing where and when to bend your chest, lumbar, and glutes.

lol... this topic started because I wanted to showcase some of my really stupid moves... it turned into me giving information on strategies to use in-game. Well... if anyone who reads this has one type of player they can't beat, or one thing they can't get to work, or anything like that, just come to me with the question, and I'll do my best to get you a good answer. I promise not to say "idk" on purpose. ;)

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Re: Signature Moves, anyone?
Heres my SIGNATURE!!!! move
very good for blocking grabs to the head.

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lyh oui ihtancdyht drec?
ev oui lyh