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Toribash 2.76
Hello is there a way i can get my Toribash 2.76 to work online cuz it gets stuck and i join one and it says to get the latest version PLZZ help me!
Anything older than 3.6 is useless for online, as in they don't connect to the servers.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Anything older than 3.6 is useless for online, as in they don't connect to the servers.

servers are now new
they are now bettable
and they have new servers like havin wushu on semi pro
and they have removed clan servers
therfore joining server below 3.6 will likely crash
and you wont likely able to see textures and flames
Originally Posted by Jan_miguel View Post
servers are now new
they are now bettable
and they have new servers like havin wushu on semi pro
and they have removed clan servers
therfore joining server below 3.6 will likely crash
and you wont likely able to see textures and flames

Yes, it won't connect because all servers are updated to 3.8

anything lower then 3.8 or 3.72 won't recognize it.

And yes. and anything lower then 3.8 wont show textures. well new ones atleast.
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