8.5k for just amber gradients? I'll send you 13.5k and you'll send me missing aqua relaxes, 2x ecto bloods and amber force or simple give me back my TC.
Last edited by Businessman777; Jan 5, 2010 at 10:29 PM.
There are no missing aqua relaxes. I haven't agreed to a deal about them. I sent you the amber gradients, which is what the deal was.
For your records...

You've sent 255000 toricredits to TheChamber

waiting texts
wishful eyes deceive me
4 amber primary gradients for 5k.
3x aqua relax = 2k

and you wrote - Businessman: I'll do 9k.

So if you meant only amber primary gradients (I didn't notice), simply give me back my TC.
Last edited by Businessman777; Jan 5, 2010 at 10:46 PM.