Belt: 3 dan
Age: 15
Talents: awesome at akido,kickboxing and fair at everthing else and can run
Why you want to join: i have already been in this great clan and i want to join back
Are you planning on staying forever/long period of time?: staying forever
What will you bring to the clan: all my talents active in ingame and fourms
Extra: I get boosters which could help the bank
User card (found in the torishop page):
Belt: 3 dan
Age: 15
Talents: awesome at akido,kickboxing and fair at everthing else and can run
Why you want to join: i have already been in this great clan and i want to join back
Are you planning on staying forever/long period of time?: staying forever
What will you bring to the clan: all my talents active in ingame and fourms
Extra: I get boosters which could help the bank
User card (found in the torishop page):