Real name: Taylor
Age: 14
Why do you want to join?: I was invited by Sabath
Total amount of qi (Must be over 1000): +1.5k
Ban/Infraction history: None at all
Which mods do you like most?: Aikido aswell as fans and running
How active you're on forums? (You must have 150+ posts): Very Active
Previous clans: Essence
How would Unknown benefit letting you in?: In Unknown ways ^^ No, but seriously I would help out the clan with various things.
Anything else about yourself: Not really
Post at least 3 MP/SP replays
If you need, I will later at some future point.
Lol, chill coloo he calls me sabath for the lulz and he will post some replays later, and I invited him. So yeah, welcome rap.
[L]egion's Clan Ask's For An Allaince.
DSC Link Below Post on the DSC if you Accept
I dont get why everyone is saying No, All The Offical Clans i have Aske Said Yes?
guys we have bad news
I think VIP is falling apart
well more likely kristis133 is gone
same as daxx
we should er a help em?