Originally Posted by Rott View Post
As a previous owner of an iPhone, I would like to ask you if you've ever actually had one. Speaking from experience, it is one of the most convenient and useful electronics of our time. It's like a (low power) Macbook, planner, phone, and an iPod, with a touch screen thrown on for convenience and easy operation.

Not to mention I had never even understood what boredom was while an iPhone was in my possession. The apps and/or internet could keep me going for hours on end.

Well I have a SonyEricsson W910i and I have tried an iPhone from a friend (who btw is not happy enough with it), and at least for me, the W910i allows me to everything I need, plus sending MMS, videocalls and navigate the web (even though I don't care about mobile internet since its way too expensive for its benefits.

But I'm not going to compare my cellphone to the iPhone because they're different types of phones. But in my opinion one thing is for sure, the price and popularity of the iPhone is not justified, considering how it lacks so many things such as the option to switch the battery and memory cards or even transfer things to another phone using bluetooth (something that I do quite often while I'm hanging out with my friends). These are major things that iPhone is lacking. And even if I was given money to buy one, I wouldn't buy it since in my opinion its a waste of money and there are some cheaper alternatives with better functionalities.

Personally I think its a shame to see the cellphone trend going for the gimmicky touch-screen while totally forgetting the main purpose of cellphones. Most of these technologies aren't responsive enough, and steal focus from truly important features such as performance and battery autonomy.

If you're the type of guy who spends money for sport, then go ahead you can have the iPhone and all the smart phones you want. But when it comes to conscious choice - independent of the fashion, popularity - then you probably won't buy a iPhone.
iPhone enjoys popularity not because of the necessity of its tools, but because it is a trend to have one.
Last edited by GenkiSudo; Jan 15, 2010 at 10:10 PM.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by Numidium View Post
Or businessman who ain't got time and though are gamers. somewhere.

they're sending e-mails and doing businessy things and such.
I love you
iPhone is extremely useful for me, I can do anything on it, its great.

However I can tell you for a fact that they cannot run the Unreal engine. These videos are a virtual client, ie a computer does the work and sends the display data to the iPhone. A 3GS has about the minimum specs to run Warcraft 3, certainly not UR3 :P
If you remember the "OMG WoW on iPhone!" discussions a year or so ago, its just the same thing.

And yeah, all those saying iPhone is just wasted extravagance, well not everything is for everyone. You may not use its full potential and have it wasted, but others do. I find the versatility of the touch screen and accelarometer very useful, and it lets me type, play games, use a mouse, etc, and still have a plenty big screen to read and watch. I think its a great system, why have sperate I/O when it can be just one thing ey?

Cant wait for the iTablet, has touch feedback (bumpy buttons, but dynamic, using small vibrations).

You view it as fashion, but I have an iPhone and I dont tell or show people, they really are useful. Mine was cheap and had a great plan, powerful and simple enough that all i carry around is my iphone and wallet, no need for ipods or netbooks like some of my mates. Touch screen is very responsive for me, and is way more dynamic than buttons, and I certainly dont find it gimicy, and now when I use other cellphones I find the keys to be so... wasteful and clumsy, they are more like a gimic that I could do without.
The iPhone has 300 hours battery life, that is very competitive in my experience. As for the memory cards, why use them? iPhones can use bluetooth to wirelessly transfer, I would hazard a guess that you just dont know how. Often ignorance can lead to poor judgment, better to be informed. I can transfer to my PC, laptop, home server, or university server with one swipe of a finger, very useful for large projects n_n
The option to swap batterys I guess would be useful, if you were to swap batterys a lot. I have never needed to, or wanted to, so not really an issue for me n_n

Dont avoid buying one because you 'dont want to be a sheep', people buy them because they are quality, and you get the big brand security. I use a lot of useful tools so i can keep connected and versatile no matter where I am.

In conclusion, I think you should open your mind a bit instead of saying 'I am not a sheep!', and remember to compare the iPhone to a netbook, not a mobile phone.
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Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
I completely agree with Gorman here - what's the point of being so closed- minded about things like that? You can miss out on some very good things - and maybe the iPhone/iPod is popular for a reason, no? Maybe it's simply very accessible and loads of people like its interface - if you have a different opinion, that's fine, but I don't think you should start condemning other people because of liking the iPhone - maybe they really do like it and not because of "peer pressure".
@ Gorman: Agreed, totally. And i would not compare it to a netbook, from what i've seen netbooks seem slower.
"that head is badass"
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
blah blah A 3GS has about the minimum specs to run Warcraft 3 blah blah

Nope , iPhone's can't render that many polygons. They have roughly the same 3D power as a castrated-Dreamcast using a 90's Gameboy Colour for the screen.

There's way more powerful handheld machines that can't handle previous generation engines so I seriously doubt that something like a poxy iPhone can mange it.

As for the videos, since it's possible to use an iPhone as a monitor/controller that would explain their existence.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you