Originally Posted by
As Stalin said,
It seems to me you are missing the point of that quote. If anything those words are only remembered because they point to glaring irony, not a sound way of going about things. Not to mention, what the hell relevance does that even have to this?
Also, I know this is a wiki, and wiki links aren't always accurate, but really, google a bit before you say "nobody helped us with Katrina
because they did.
Like I said before, I can see why you might think the way you do, but I also strongly disagree with it and consider it to be incredibly short sighted. Not only are you underplaying the importance of a country having a decent standing with the rest of the globe, but you are...oh wait, smileyjones pretty much covered my next point. And this is with all moral issues aside, though honestly Im sure if you had even a glimpse of what those people are experiencing that wasn't from the warm glow of a TV or PC, your morals would be affected.
Also, at the risk of sounding like a sentimental fuckwit, The US was supposed to be founded on an idealistic belief in doing what is right. Just because we have gotten
way off course over the last however many years doesn't mean that it is ok for us to hold ourselves to the standards Joseph Stalin, or any other mind that see's things in a cold, non idealistic way. If it ends up not working, oh well, we are supposed to demand more of ourselves than constantly seeking out our own comfort. And dont say "ZOMG we are broke!". Our poor people are richer than a large number of the global population.