Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by jkrames25 View Post
If u are a leader u get respect

A boss of a company doesn't always have respect but they always have authority.
"I'll ban your ass if you don't go and clean the urinal,"

But if that boss is really nice about stuff and respects the fact that cleaning out a urinal is a dirty job, then in turn, they respect you and gain the employers respect.
"Look, mate, cleaning that thing out is a piece of shit, but I'll buy you a drink afterwards if you do it for me. How about it?"

The difference here is the OG topic. Number 1 and Number 2.
I pretty much respect anyone who has a generally good attitude. Especially if they talk to people who are a lot 'below them' in the heirachy. Eg Guv'na, eh is a cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything, and also talks to all the newbies and he is very friendly. So respect for him. But then someone like... not naming names, but they just asociate with the oldfags and pretty much flame newbies if ever. ie people who act like moot get no respect from me.

I generally try to be open and relaxed, but often I cant be bothered and just end up flaming or trolling. As a result i dont think im very respected n_n

Power should be respected, but I make a distinguishment between respect for personality and respect for strength. They are no where near the same in my mind, achieving respect is easy for people with power, and I place way more value on respect for personality.

In a forum situation this means I respect the mods even if i dont know them, but I can easily respect a normal user far more.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."