Ive got a few friends that smoke cannabis on a regular base, sometimes more.
These guys are the most mellow, laid back, considerate and respectfull guys i know. Very open minded.
In comparence to those i know that do not smoke but rather drink, i would legalize it in an instant.
9 out of 10 times people that judge the use of cannabis didnt even experience it themselves and dont even know at first hand experience, what kind of effect it has and how it feels, i feel you cant judge something you didnt even experience.
Also some of my other friends ( with wich i socialize allot less ) are drinkers and all hate cannabis and say its bad, these guys are not mellow and laid back, let alone open minded. These guys got told it was bad and just resite it while drowning themselves in alcohol wich will bite them in the ass when they turn +/-50.
Also for the record in all my experience ( quite a few ) with mariuana ive never been agressive or in any other way a bastard, also my friends never been like that. The drunk ones though can be total bastards and tend to become more agressive during conversations/discussions.
In my experience cannabis can be dangerous if you stop thinking about it as a mind-state altering experience, and just something normal.
Sure this drug might not be addictive to the body, but many people can get addicted to the experience of it.
So it has some bad sides, i also agree that driving under the influence of mariuana isnt a good idea. Just like you wouldnt drink and drive, with mariuana reaction-time does get influenced in a negative way.
All in all i would legalize it, but i would be fine with it not being allowed behind the wheel.
And people should be educated on the "habit" effect it has one some people. But lets not fool ourselves, a point can be made here, alcohol is "in my eyes" a way more dangerous drug/poison then mariuana. Look at the total mess alcohol leaves behind it.Daddys beating children, fights outside/inside clubs, entire families breaking appart, liver failure, brain damage etc. Yet it is one of the few legalized drugs, its got more bad rep then most illigal drugs. That must put things in perspective for people who are against and never even tried it. A least i hope there will be a bell that goes "ding"
Im kind of tired of those who judge it while at the same time having 0.0% experience on the subject. Try it and see for yourself.