New class, it's so fun to play with, their all like 'What the fuck their's a psycho with a knife running at supa speed'
Main Weapon; barret (Which I don't use)
Weapon: Magnum + Tactical Knife
Killstreak; Care Package, Harrier Airstrike and AC130(Which I think is better than the chopper gunner in the right hands)
Equipment: Semtex(For those pesky riot shields)
I'm not even going to finish it, basically.
Set Perks to
Marathon Pro
LightWeight Pro
Commando Pro
With magnum + tactical knife. My k/d has raised .20 in using this in only 5matches.
Why the care package? I do not drop the care package, as some of you know(or will now know) when having the care package in-hand it almosts doubles your speed, meaning that you're now running at atleast 2.5x normal speed, with the tactical knife going twice as fast.
Now then, win amirite?