I'd probably buy something, maybe a toribash hoodie or some joggers. It would be best if they looked like normal non-branded clothing, but with a small toribash logo somewhere on them, nothing to glaring

Edit: I'd pay whatever I would normally pay for some clothing. Up to £25 for a hoodie or something similar
For a nice t-shirt (no stupid v-necks) with a logo or hampa or something, I'd pay up to 15 USD.
tops, I would give you one money for all your inventory. My offer stands. Otherwise I'd have to see what it looks like.
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"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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You know, even if I never wore it out in public, I think a long sleeved shirt or hoody with Tori joints on it would be fucking awesome. Like those shirts that are made to look like skeletons, but with tori "bones" and joints.

On the whole though, like in everyday life, I think the majority of gamers (especially the ones who are old enough to decide what to do with their money and are most likely concerned greatly with having sex ASAP) are only willing to wear their love of gaming if it is something iconic, like a super mario bros hat that says "old school" or something that wont mark them as completely unappealing to the opposite sex. I've seen guys in Halo shirts before, but eh, Halo blows and if I had to guess the shirts were free since microsoft can afford to print them and give them away.

I think the best way to merch TB would be through non-wearable items like action figures and other useless but fun things people could keep in their rooms and mess with when bored. Like, honestly, if there was a figure available that worked in similar ways to those wooden figures artists use, like could be placed in a pose, I would by one as long as it wasnt some fucked up $200 price. I also think a simplified tori with like 4 joints could make a bitchin ass key chain. Or a throwback hand held game that played like the Toriflash, or a radio controlled tori, etc...

The thing about clothing anymore is that just about anyone can make it any way they can think up. Like I am sure a huge number of people on the forums at least have access to a low priced custom shirt supplier, or even know someone who makes them. But if you can give people something unique, they will be willing to pay quite a bit for it because they cant get a duplicate made at the local mall for ten bucks without having to wait for it to ship from Singapore or wherever Nabi is located.

The problem with non-wearable/more custom made goods is that the cost to produce them is a good deal higher. But, if you contact a firm or plant or whoever the fuck makes such things and say you would like to test the demand for a product, and would like a few made, they will cost you more to buy, but the risk would be small, and if they prove to be good sellers than you could work out a deal with the production company and come out on a lot.

However, I would be worried also that the forums aren't big enough to make any profit. I know you said it was discussed, but I would still be cautions at first and, regardless or what would be made, hold off on ordering too many. Even if you get behind it is better to not have enough of something everyone wants and will wait for than to have too much o something nobody wants anyways.

Read it :P, because I cant think of a clever sum up.
Last edited by deady; Jan 24, 2010 at 09:02 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
toribash white v-neck, with just the logo in a corner somewhere.
would be like... completly awesome
i would buy that
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
actually ive been going around looking threw pictures to edit to put on my own t-shirts. ive yet to buy anything tho in hopes that nabi would do it cheaper.
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