Originally Posted by Xtreme View Post
Because there's no way that I would fight back due to basic survival instinct or because I myself achieve gratification from violence as well. Beating the shit out of someone hardly constitutes value.

So, that means going with your survival instinct results in more satisfaction, as opposed to not going with it. And satisfaction has value to you, no?

So at the very least you apply subjective value to yourself and your experience, as does everyone else. Applying value to your own well-being while not giving a fuck about others is called egoism.
Sorry to cut you off Odlov, but this just in...

Haiti was hit by a powerful 6.1 aftershock earthquake earlier this morning. In fact, Haiti is constantly hit with multiple aftershocks. Now, even though on the Richter scale, a 6.0 compared to a 7.0 is much less destructive, these aftershocks are definitely not helping. The call for help is still there.

Going back to the original question, I think at this point, it's hard for anyone not to turn their heads away from those who need help in the country. Along with the hundreds of thousands dead, hospitalized, homeless, and missing, the Haitian people will be even more devastated thanks to this unfortunate turn of events. This second shock was a crippling blow to whatever progress was made in restoring the country. According to the Associated Press, "About 250,000 people were hurt in the quake and aid groups say many people have died for lack of medical care or adequate equipment" ( Thanks to international aid teams, some 121 people so far have been confirmed to have been saved, but, for you math wizards, when you compare 121 to hundreds of thousands of people, the ratio is quite small. They still need help and support.

I would really appreciate it if the thread went back to discussing the issue at hand: Whether the U.S. should continue supporting Haiti or not.

6.1 huh?

Maybe The U.S. should step in after all...


Originally Posted by Xtreme View Post
Actually, there was a report the other day of Haitian bodies being bulldozed into Dumpsters and hauled off to mass graves.

Anyway, this thread is going nowhere, mod can close if they want to.

lel@backseat modding
Last edited by Odlov; Jan 20, 2010 at 11:29 PM. Reason: don't double post
[18:04:54] <aracoon> Eureka is a powerhungry fag
[13:13] <Eureka> also dota is kinda for pigfuckers
[13:13] <jalis> ban eureka
[13:13] <jalis> thanks

Half the people in this thread say "no", for the sake of saying no. Just because you're greedy, and care about the financial position the country is in, with our 10 trillion dollar debt, and will refuse help to a a country that needs it, is exactly like seeing a random person on the street getting mugged, and killed. Earthquake=Mugger, Haiti=Mugged, U.S.=Person helping or watching. In others case, its the persons laughing and watching it happen.

Once again, a good country will set aside it's problems to help others, even if its not in the best interest of anyone(Iraq). A bad one will just watch it happen, apologize for it, and see how it plays out instead of helping. So are we bad? Or good? OR Should we seclude ourselves from the world, and turn into a communist country where the goverment edits our texts, and reads our mail before we do.

I agree to help the Haitians.
Xtreme, bro, you are a way too obvious troll.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
I think that the US should do like Brazil:
The brazilian troops are in the Haiti since 2004 and them will stay at lease 2015, rebuilding the Haiti and restauring the peace...
They also kill some rebels