Half the people in this thread say "no", for the sake of saying no. Just because you're greedy, and care about the financial position the country is in, with our 10 trillion dollar debt, and will refuse help to a a country that needs it, is exactly like seeing a random person on the street getting mugged, and killed. Earthquake=Mugger, Haiti=Mugged, U.S.=Person helping or watching. In others case, its the persons laughing and watching it happen.
Once again, a good country will set aside it's problems to help others, even if its not in the best interest of anyone(Iraq). A bad one will just watch it happen, apologize for it, and see how it plays out instead of helping. So are we bad? Or good? OR Should we seclude ourselves from the world, and turn into a communist country where the goverment edits our texts, and reads our mail before we do.
I agree to help the Haitians.