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Help stand up after battle
whenever i do a move or something i always think its missing something... maybe he can finish a move with style land a move with a pose at the end i think its real difficult no matter how hard i try he always ends up falling over so im wondering any pros know the trick or even how to if it only works with certain moves then that kinda sucks lol ill apreciate the help
Well, standing up straight, on only the legs, is (more) easy to do when you already were moving slowly ( low momentum), and head up, feet down. Relax ankles and hold them later to get the feet flat.
If you mean like sitting, squatting or something alike, you should mostly try to reduce your speed and make three points of contact to the floor, so you don't fall over.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Just practice around. It really depends on the mod. You might be losing limbs, have fractured limbs, or the frames might even be too high for you to have a good landing.
Mostly Stand ups are used for forced

try making a land where some of the joints are relaxed and after getting the pose you want make sure you FORCE them
but the will make a shake

and if your feet is not straight and plain going up
try making it relaxed so it will gently go down and then force them when they're on te ground

heres a replay example
also dont mind the noobish move its an old replay

as you can see when landing I forced my joints
and at the last frame (frame number 1) i relaxed my feet so it will standup well
try using shift + P when you want to skip frames by 1
(even though the stance is not really awesome)
Attached Files
AWESOME STANCE.rpl (160.2 KB, 14 views)