Secret Santa 2024
your leading carloz
he tricked you both
But hey he was the last valid bidder
so he is leading :/ HA so you loose
I think...
ydnarano67 is leading.

cause if he withdraw his bid....
and gimme the lead
he will have to pay 20% of the ammount of tcs he bidded
I dont think that withdraw his offer is a nice idea.
Best signature ever.
Ha so he looses again
wow man your fucked.
sorry for these post ack on topic
if you withdrawn your bid u will have to pay somewhere about 4k or 5k
Hmm... But he bidded the same thing as me which means he is dropping out so he has to pay the 5k if im leader.
Last edited by ydnarano67; Jan 21, 2010 at 03:04 AM.