Secret Santa 2024
You need to add [Sexy] to your enemies list, since more than 1/5 of your members has pretty much tried to disgrase us, and failed..

I hope that some time in the future those members will realise how immature it is and we can be allies rather than enemies, mabye even make a rank in ouy clans called sexadons......

Something about busses:D
Gg Ghost Leader, hope your Untouchables and The Grim Reaper are more challenging. Also try turning caps lock off.
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Originally Posted by JesseD View Post
Gg Ghost Leader, hope your Untouchables and The Grim Reaper are more challenging. Also try turning caps lock off.

well jesse would you like to fight me in aikido?
and i keep it on so you can see the name clearly
Guys I've seen many double posts...even a triple post! This is giving clan a bad rep man. So tim work on clan a bit harder.
NOTE: This is not insult it is advice.
Actually I think this clan is a fail! You just want to make enemies with everyone! Everybody has low post count in your clan! Learn to edit your posts! The edit button is under your post to the right! Try putting some effort in to your clan! In here I see just triple and double posts and they all are useless! You really should start to gain good reputation to this because this clan is just dieing out!! (I have herd lots of people hate you)
LOl thats rude i wasnt in the armadon hall of fame, jk but i was basically highest belt in clan and also cn i beh allie/enimy manager now that i back in clan( dont worry tim, i still hate you)