Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
Join dates do have meaning. Experience in a community is useful for dealing with people and not making a fool of yourself. A large part of elitism is just laughing at noob for making obvious fuckups. Also, I believe going into irc and getting the shit trolled out of you as a noob is one of the best things that you can do. It's like how a sword is tempered by fire to become stronger.


That is probably the best way to go about things, being repeatedly trolled has its benefits. It teaches you how to stop giving a fuck about what people say. After spending some time in the community you learn to roll with the punches, and care less about those annoying people out to get there own jollies off of insulting others.
Originally Posted by BlakNWyte View Post
Ok, they are well known. but are they respected?

Unfortuntely yes because of there bigger post count than some other people.
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
Join dates do have meaning. Experience in a community is useful for dealing with people and not making a fool of yourself. A large part of elitism is just laughing at noob for making obvious fuckups. Also, I believe going into irc and getting the shit trolled out of you as a noob is one of the best things that you can do. It's like how a sword is tempered by fire to become stronger.

I certainly don't agree with trying to justify it by putting it like that. So, what, it's the "duty" of the old and smelly to troll new people to make them resistant?

I'd argue that it was the exact opposite with me. I didn't get trolled a lot when I was new, and I'm pretty sure that contributed to getting me where I am now. So, either people stayed off me, or I was simply too dense to notice.

Actually, I remember this one time when Ducky tried trolling me and then got kicked by whoever for being a dick. Ah. Good times.
I actually had the same philosophy as war_hero a long time ago. Trial by fire. It does work, but it's also a shitty thing to do.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
Originally Posted by Guv_na View Post
That's a very politically correct thing to say, but that's far from what I see.

I'm not sure what followed was a 'politically correct' statement, but ok.

Not to call anyone out or anything, but take jalis for example. I like the guy, and I don't consider him an enemy, but he doesn't offer respect to anyone who isn't "important" enough for it. In fact, he's extremely elitist, and will spit on anyone who doesn't know as much about software as he does. He cursed me out the day we met and I don't even remember what I said. Now let me reiterate, he's not an enemy of mine, but someone who behaves the way he does would not have been placed so high in the social hierarchy here back in 2006-2007.

High? Because he has 1-2 admin friends? No, most people think he is a rude asshole.

And another thing to prove my point- he will never get power. Sure he has a couple local mods, but those aren't worth squat. He sent in an smod app twice, and they were both rejected. Then he sent in a market squad app, and it was rejected. He's not going anywhere.

Then there's the underlying white supremacy of the community I see sometimes (primarily in IRC). Back in-what-2007, early 08', anyone who even implied anything racist, joke or not was immediately blackballed from the community. I can remember "Jewhunter" from the top of my head, oh how we keyboard-raged at him. But now, someone like him could spew the most racist shit ever (in IRC) and just cover himself by pretending he was joking.

Hmm, from my point of view nothing has changed. Racism is still worth an immediate ban in-game and on the forums. In IRC however, such things are not enforced, understandably so. If it is someone like Kitfox, no one wants to be the buzzkill because we all know he is joking. However if we sense someone is being serious, then yes, action is taken.

Also, people aren't being infracted for flaming anymore in discussion. There are so many internet tough guys in here making a wall of text, but half of it being about how stupid the other guy is.

They are. Maybe you don't see the bold text at the bottom of the posts and conclude that they haven't been infracted, but you can bet they have. I personally have infracted a couple people here recently.

We are also seeking a new discussion local moderator at the moment, which will help.

I mean, with all due respect Blak, this comment was true back in the olden days, but now it's nothing like that. (I'll probably leave again after the shitstorm arrives/passes.)

I was a noob in late '07- early '08, and the community was very helpful I agree. But what do you see now? A whole forum for noobs- a beginner's sanctuary with 10x more people to help now. Things are evolving here, not getting worse.
I'm not trying to justify it. It happens all the time and it does work.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
I think the thing that has happened with elitism vs non-elitism is that before people were introduced to others, static, non-passworded servers FORCED you to interact with other people, now you can just make your private passworded server and only deal with people you like.
<FeD> i will allow my ass being raped
Join dates do have meaning. Experience in a community is useful for dealing with people and not making a fool of yourself. A large part of elitism is just laughing at noob for making obvious fuckups. Also, I believe going into irc and getting the shit trolled out of you as a noob is one of the best things that you can do. It's like how a sword is tempered by fire to become stronger.

The only thing join dates mean is how long you have been playing, and the experience you will have will vary because of ignorant elitists being rude without that behavior being something that's necessary, everyone is born a damn noob in everything, we all have to learn and there is absolutely no need to flame people for not knowing things they didnt get the chance to learn yet. It actually makes the elitist himself the biggest idiot, you flame someone for doing something you once learned wasnt the right thing to do, it doesnt make you better or smarter then them, to me it actually shows you are not that smart. Because you already forgot what it was like knowing allmost nothing.

The hole sword thing to me is just very strange, because teaching someone from your experience with respect and patience does work wonders for any person, and is way more pleasant.

+ To me this game is less fun fighting people that bitch and moan about noob moves and noobish behaviour, the elitists i have seen are in my experience also the biggest ragers. So im starting to think that the ego is a big part of this.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Originally Posted by srrwb View Post
I think the thing that has happened with elitism vs non-elitism is that before people were introduced to others, static, non-passworded servers FORCED you to interact with other people, now you can just make your private passworded server and only deal with people you like.

I don't think that change affected people's demeanour all that much. Most of the elitism that occurs is on the forums, not in the game. Placing passwords on servers just allows friends to experiment. It doesn't create exclusive relationships that alienates players.