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POVray on intel mac?
Couple of questions: is there a povray for intel macs? Has anyone used it on mac? Want to help me get started with it if it exists? please?
Re: POVray on intel mac?
for intel macs: (you will have to copy the link into your address bar)[email protected]%3E/
use google!!

also, Hampa runs a mac (non-intel) and I believe the way to get it working (if it doesnt) is compile from source.
I has a flavour
Re: POVray on intel mac?
I do povray on Intel mac (command line only).

If you want gui and more cowbell you should check out mega povs intel binary:

Re: POVray on intel mac?
I keep getting errors with inc files, like Parse Error: Expected 'identifier or expression.', length found instead
and with custom ones it doesent find a color file (on megapov) help...?
Re: POVray on intel mac?
length seems to be a reserved word in mega pov.

Try replacing length with lenght2 like this:

#macro BodyCapsule (r, g, b, Radius, length2, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11)
union {
	cylinder { 
		<0, 0, length2 - length2*0.5>, 
	sphere  { <0, 0, -length2*0.5>, Radius }
	sphere  { <0, 0, length2 - length2 *0.5>, Radius }