Original Post
Auction for nice heads
Auctioning these heads:

Startiong bid: 300tc
Min Raise: 70tc
Autobuy: 800tc
End date: 48 hours after last bid

Startiong bid: 100tc
Min Raise: 50tc
Autobuy: 600tc
End date: 48 hours after last bid

Startiong bid: 100tc
Min Raise: 70tc
Autobuy: 600tc
End date: 48 hours after last bid
Last edited by darkspace; Jan 30, 2010 at 11:58 PM.
I'd like to a famous youtuber. =3
You like COD? --- >MONTAGE<
The first head doesn't look that bad.
Also you forgot to add a End date for each head.
..::Live like a lost bullet. Unknown and Dangerous::..