-Toxic Force
-Toxic blood
-Toxic Ghost
-Toxic user text
-Toxic Timer
How much?
I want:
no-qi void force
the collector's card (Tradeable card)
can you tell me the price?
Edit: all three for 143k and some items or flames?
Why should i pay 250k for elf force if i can get one in market for 22k?
SlipAnc, I'll give you
Acid force
Ammy Relax
Beetle force
Toxic force
Vulcan blood
For the 3 items?
can i just have no qi void force for the items then?
and i'll add 10 plasma items to it
But he has like 6...
Edit: If I cant get the Void or Demon
Can i have Mysterio Pack and Magnetite for
Acid force
Ammy Relax
Beetle force
Toxic force
Vulcan blood
I have the QI so cant be 4 tmes more expensive
ok, how much for this all with NO-QI:
Demon User Text:
Demon Ghost:
Demon Blood:
Void Blood:
Void Ghost:
Void User Text:
Void Relax:
thanks, please put the NO-QI prices next to it,
than ill chose what im going to buy.
thank you.