Let me sum this up for you, they are dangerous if you want them to be.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Most injuries occur because you are too close to the person at the time, but this is a common occurence, people meet and panic-shoot. Hence why masks are needed to avoid injury.

The guns we use are 350fps maximum, and these injuries do occur.

So at close range, there is a risk of losing teeth, eyes and skin penetration.

And the bb's arent metal, they are biodegradable teflon-coated 'Bullet Balls.'
Last edited by caelquinn; Feb 17, 2010 at 02:09 AM.
With a facemask and a proper location airsoft is safe. Playing in the street with a realistic looking gun is obviously a dumb idea.

Well yeah. Anything is safe with the right precautions.

But the discussion at hand here is that is it safe in the hands of an immature 14 year old with probable disregard for safety?
they are so fun plus it teaches you not to be a wuss
i like paintball better oh and im 14 and on the small side
I used to have an airsoft pistol, but it broke.
A funny story about airsoft guns- The pistol was jammed, so I brought it inside to fix it. I did end up fixing it (until it broke) but I forgot to turn safety on and shot my hand at point-blank range. It hurt, like, really really hurt.
I almost got hit in the eye by one of these buggers when it was fired from an airsoft pistol. Left a pretty nice welt on my cheek even though it must have been shot from like 50 feet away.
lyh oui ihtancdyht drec?
ev oui lyh
Originally Posted by caelquinn View Post
That is a load of nonsense.

If that's true, what is the need for face protection?

Why arent people shooting eachother in the eye for fun?

Explain to me why I saw someone having a bb dug out of their face with a scalpel by the medic?

Because the rep was shooing over 500 fps.

I'm an AAC activist and I've studied the legality of airsoft in many countries. England ruled that so long as the projectile contained less than 1j of energy it was safe and could cause no permanent damage even to the soft tissue of the eye.

I can 100% tell you that face masks are for legal liability reasons, and that loadout is just for milsim effect.

Above the 1j limit you could get hurt, if you don't take the propped saftey precautions.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Because the rep was shooing over 500 fps.

I'm an AAC activist and I've studied the legality of airsoft in many countries. England ruled that so long as the projectile contained less than 1j of energy it was safe and could cause no permanent damage even to the soft tissue of the eye.

I can 100% tell you that face masks are for legal liability reasons, and that loadout is just for milsim effect.

Above the 1j limit you could get hurt, if you don't take the propped saftey precautions.

Can you source that 1j (328fps with a .2g bb) can't do damage to your eye at closer than recommended range?

Assuming you follow recommended engagement distances, I do think that it would be fine. But I'm not so certain that a 5 foot shot to the eye would be harmless.