full body text is worth +- 32k now -_-
16x2k=32k user infracted: useless post i was just telling him no 1 will buy it for 180k if they can get it for 32k i was helping him ~ blackDemon
You would know that everything is 2kea. Dumb ass. So don't go reporting people for no reason. Besides I'm 95% sure you know this and you just wana scam who every doesn't. Grow a heart.
u could get it for 28k in the shop considering u only have 2 trails.....
idk why ur selling so high nobody will buy it
ill give u my flame if u give me all of that and an extra item tho lol
/dl or /lp 0 me ingame to see the flame
i would need about an extra 10k worth in items or tc idc