Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[A] Super Aura Flame
hi, i am selling this flame made by Arkenvoss:


I accept Ground Texure and 15k for an offer

Happy Bidding!
Last edited by DJ; Mar 7, 2010 at 09:34 PM.
[Colon 3]
would you accept a custom tribal set? cus i could make one as autobuy. though you could take the finished piece as any price you want. the last one i sold sold for 100k. this is my last set:
i can use any colors you want and make it a little higher quality than this one. it was made fully in 128 and included trails and ground. by the way, if you meant texture set items, then nevermind ^_^

well thats definatly not enough, well good luck selling those sets

lowering start bid to 53k, thats 22k off!
[Colon 3]
well when i think about it............ would you accept body textures (items)? if so what ones would be acceptable for autobuy or starting bid?

ummm, either all the trail textures for autobuy, or full body textures and a 512x512 head texture (no ground, dq, or trails) for autobuy (since they're 2k each now) or full body with a 256 head for start bid, cuz full body is like 40k plus 10k is 50k so it equals out to 50k which is less than 52k, but ill take it. just a reminder, body textures are all 2k each, except 512x512 and 256x256 heads.

so for the autobuy bid u could do full body with 512 head or all trail textures (huge deal for the texture one, btw)
for start bid, full body with 256 head or 2 trail textures and uper body textures (head, arms, chest)
[Colon 3]
read the first post, i dont want flame trades, items or tc only (texture items accepted too)
[Colon 3]
ugh this sucks. i bought all my body textures for 110k (256 head and rest before prices were nerfed) so no way im giving them for 53k. sorry man