Nema vise Bjanke, otkupio sam opkladu za 50 eura + knjiga o terarijumima *ili kako se vec zovu one staklene stvari gdje se drze zabe i gusteri. Jebiga, sta mogu, ja drzim do rijeci, a nisam znao neke stvari i eto... Uh, jel ovo treba da se prica na engleskom?
Ok, then...
No more Bjankas rule, i just bought the bet for 50 euros plus book about the terrariums *u know, for lizards and frogs etc, Fuck it, what can u do, I stand by my words and I made a mistake, so....
For the record, the bet was about the movie - The 4th kind, I thought the documentary part was for real and Bjanka was right - it's all fake! FAKE! FAKE! FAKE!
Now, would u kindly let me speak in my native language here or should I use my UZI?!
I'm already pissed because the past days!!!
Oh i uskoro imam sve texture sem jednog pecka
Oh and i almost got full textures except one peck
O and Bojan can you make me a free set? please
Oh and Uzi?Don't make me use min Barret.50 caliber and then
Last edited by Boranija; Mar 11, 2010 at 05:47 PM.
Join Dragonz (we're official)^
Dobrodosao nazad Bojane!!

Svadjaj se sa Boranijom oko ovog engleskog pravila

Ti si cas svorc cas dajes 50 evra da bi igrao

P.S. Boranija zar ti nisi napravio neki set i prodavao ga u svom shopu :P
Last edited by perica; Mar 11, 2010 at 07:49 PM.
(jesi ikad cuo za kasnjenje plata?) Dobro, bio je osmi mart i tada nisam imao love, pa kasnije sam se iskupio, ali posteno... Nema veze i ona ce meni nekad da se oduzi za neke stvari, pogotovo sada kada ce da dobije lap-top sa internetom! hehehe... Nadam se.

Free set? I'm I looking like a red cross humanitarian to you? Nothing is free when u have to sit in front of the comp for a 6-8 hours drawing and mapping set for someone. I can make u copy/paste shitty set for free if u want. :P

Edit: Jel idete u skolu prijepodne ili poslijepodne?
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 12, 2010 at 11:14 AM.