Christmas Lottery

And onamist, the term "drunk" may refer to alcohol, but the presence of alcohol itself doesn't make you drunk, the constant use of it does, and most people get nauseated before they can do some real damage to themselves. Drugs are overrated.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Actually, your bodies chemical reaction to fermented hops and/or fruit triggering an over-release of particular substances in your brain causes intoxication, not the alchohol itself.

Different metabolisms can handle different amounts of fermented products before becoming intoxicated.

Last edited by coloo; Mar 14, 2010 at 06:29 AM.
Marujana, as you spelt it, is not toxic at all, in truth it was never proven to be even addicting. It's funny how marijuana became illegal, first in the 19th century the drug was believed to make people dangerous, because black people started walking on the white people's side of the sidewalk when they smoked it. Then in the 20th century Stalin made the comment that people that smoke marijuana had a really slow reaction time and no line of thought and he would conquer the US using it (turns out he didn't need marijuana to prove his point, way to go Britain for owning the National Reserve). Nowadays marijuana is illegal because the medicine companies don't want you to have it. Marijuana can be used for many diseases from cancer to polio and the black plague. It is too good for any relevant companies to profit from it so it is prohibited for the sake of economy (which is fucked anyways).

EDIT: Government once tested marijuana to see if it could kill people, and it killed all the monkeys exposed to it, then they announced HOW they tested it, and they put a mask on the monkey's faces that filled with smoke from joints, causing them to die from inhaling smoke. That was equal to 600 joints per second. Never has there been a case of a person that ended up in the hospital because of marijuana, not one case. My sources come from some independent documentary on marijuana, I will link you guys later.
Last edited by sid; Mar 14, 2010 at 07:08 AM.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Actually, pot causes a small layer of fat over your brain to form, it alters your hand eye co-ordination and reaction time, the hallucinations can lead to servere schitzophrenia, paronoia exct. While it may not be toxic, it causes servere problems, and it is addictive to people who use it frequently.

Trust me, i have learned this from personal experience, and the monitering of others who smoke it.

I knew a strait A student, nice guy, very intelligent, started doing pot and his grades dropped, he always seemed deprived of energy, he started getting really paranoid about people, and started thinking the things he saw in the hallucinations were real, got diagnosed with schitzophrenia, it got too servere when he went of his pills and earned himself a 2 year tour of the nut house.

When he came out, he smacked joints out of peoples hands and screamed and ran whenever someone tried to hand him a joint.
Sid, i dont give a shit what science or info you have, that shit is bad news.
Also blackshark, here is my replay for the clan pic. The pose is on the very last frame.
Attached Files
Onamist_Ghana.rpl (121.5 KB, 4 views)
Originally Posted by coloo View Post
Actually, pot causes a small layer of fat over your brain to form, it alters your hand eye co-ordination and reaction time, the hallucinations can lead to servere schitzophrenia, paronoia exct. While it may not be toxic, it causes servere problems, and it is addictive to people who use it frequently.

Trust me, i have learned this from personal experience, and the monitering of others who smoke it.

I knew a strait A student, nice guy, very intelligent, started doing pot and his grades dropped, he always seemed deprived of energy, he started getting really paranoid about people, and started thinking the things he saw in the hallucinations were real, got diagnosed with schitzophrenia, it got too servere when he went of his pills and earned himself a 2 year tour of the nut house.

When he came out, he smacked joints out of peoples hands and screamed and ran whenever someone tried to hand him a joint.
Sid, i dont give a shit what science or info you have, that shit is bad news.

Ok, first case, Marijuana, (I took the liberty to spell it correctly, your welcome.) is not a hallucinogen.

Second of all, Dr. Pepper is addictive to people who drink it frequently.

Originally Posted by Onamist View Post
Derpity derpity derp

PURPOSE: Information on the potential relation between marijuana use and the incidence of hospitalized injury is extremely limited. The purpose of this effort was to investigate the potential for this association. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted in a large prepaid Northern California health care program cohort (n = 64,657) that completed baseline questionnaires about health behaviors, including marijuana use, and health status between 1979 and 1985. All injury hospitalizations through December 31, 1991, (n = 965) were identified and validated. RESULTS: Using Poisson regression modeling, increased rate-ratios and 95% confidence intervals were identified for all-cause injury hospitalizations for both men and women among current users (1.28; 1.01 to 1.61 and 1.37; 1.04 to 1.79, respectively) relative to nonusers, adjusted for age, cigarette and alcohol use, and other potential confounders. Increased rates of motor vehicle
[I could understand that. Next, do a test on alchohal and how that affects our motor vehicle operation, compare casualties, then, compare legality of the substances.]
(1.96; 1.23 to 3.14), and assault (1.90, 1.16 to 3.15), injuries were identified among men who were current users; an increased rate of assault was suggestive in women (2.21; 0.92 to 5.19). CONCLUSIONS: Though the results must be viewed cautiously, they suggest that marijuana use may be independently associated with increased risk of hospitalized injury. Further study of the physiological and behavioral mechanisms is warranted

I, personally, have been smoking pot for about 2 years now. I try to smoke everyday before school.
I'm a (spare the vanity flames, pl0x.) straight A student, and would consider myself above the intelligence of the average student. I moniter (lol) other people under the influence.
My buddies, I, or the other vast majority of pot users around the world aren't in 'nut' houses.
I've also been smoking pot (almost) everyday for the last couple of years and have yet to go psychotic. What coloo are I are trying to say is that it can be dangerous. There have been documented instances of people going insane because of marijuana. As well as that, it also really annoys me when people say that no study has ever shown that marijuana is harmful in any way. That's bullshit. The smoke alone can cause emphysema.
Good Luck on becoming offical, worth the wait i know trust me.
Good Luck though, And marrijuana is accuactlly bad for you.
Although it might not be toxic, it kills brain cell's,lungs etc.
It has the same affect of smoking cigarettes.
It's just the diffrence is getting high.
Smoking it ever once in awhile isnt bad though.

Stay safe!
...................Unibash Teacher...................
Originally Posted by jxc1013 View Post
Ok, first case, Marijuana, (I took the liberty to spell it correctly, your welcome.) is not a hallucinogen.

It can cause schytzophrenic hallucinations...

It doesn't always cause you to go schitzo, but it can, but every time you smoke it, it will cause you to get high, which in turn causes hallucinations, which means technically it is a hallucinogen.

And onamist, you make a very good point with which i agree. A little tid-bit of info, when you smoke pot, the layer of fat that forms over your brain can also form on your hair, and police can use this to tell if you have smoked pot in the last 6 months.
Last edited by coloo; Mar 14, 2010 at 09:07 AM.