lol i love pissing ppl off by using the throwing knife and knife
i get a lot of kills too and i hit a guy from across the map with the throwing knife lol good times
So level 54 prestige now, I guess this is my whenever-I-Feel-like-it update. Been going for pave lows now, finally got 50 kills with it and the harrier, now going for attack helicopters to finish off the emblem. Also, recently got the badger emblem (100 last stand kills), and atm going for the burger town emblem. Current classes are pretty much the same as before

Tar-21 silencer + holographic
frag (for burgertown)
bling, stopping power, last stand

same thing for other class only with FAL and M16 (I know I'm an unfair faggot etc)

Also, to make me even more cheap, I tend to dropshot a lot now. ;o
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
So level 54 prestige now, I guess this is my whenever-I-Feel-like-it update. Been going for pave lows now, finally got 50 kills with it and the harrier, now going for attack helicopters to finish off the emblem. Also, recently got the badger emblem (100 last stand kills), and atm going for the burger town emblem. Current classes are pretty much the same as before

Tar-21 silencer + holographic
frag (for burgertown)
bling, stopping power, last stand

same thing for other class only with FAL and M16 (I know I'm an unfair faggot etc)

Also, to make me even more cheap, I tend to dropshot a lot now. ;o

If you haven't already, try switching to tactical button layout. Makes for easier dropshots.
I don't see why anyone would use a RDS/Holographic on the Tar, it has great ironsights, just wastes the first perk/no silencer.

Also, if you want to snipe using a silencer, never do it on the intervention/barrett/m14 ebr (unless it's hardcore, otherwise only headshots will be 1 shot kills), you want to use the WA2000. Silencer+Stopping Power on it is still 1 hit kill for the torso and up.

All i've been using since i prestiged is the barrett (and now that i've unlocked it, the WA2000 <3),tar or the vector. Along with either the PP2000 or the SPAS-12. I don't know why, all I used to use was the SCAR, the Intervention or UMP. I think I do prefer the setups I use now, even if they are less common.
Originally Posted by Blam View Post
I don't see why anyone would use a RDS/Holographic on the Tar, it has great ironsights, just wastes the first perk/no silencer.

Also, if you want to snipe using a silencer, never do it on the intervention/barrett/m14 ebr (unless it's hardcore, otherwise only headshots will be 1 shot kills), you want to use the WA2000. Silencer+Stopping Power on it is still 1 hit kill for the torso and up.

All i've been using since i prestiged is the barrett (and now that i've unlocked it, the WA2000 <3),tar or the vector. Along with either the PP2000 or the SPAS-12. I don't know why, all I used to use was the SCAR, the Intervention or UMP. I think I do prefer the setups I use now, even if they are less common.

I only use holographic for it because I tend to burst ridiculous long range shots with it, and with the iron sights, and it's terrible accuracy, long range shots are extremely obnoxious.

And yes, I have been using tactical layout for a month or so now
I just finished the game. :3 The mission in which you had to guard the device while it copied the files was weird...I stayed like 15 mins on that and at the end of it Roach and Ghost get killed by Stephard...I almost cried )
Last edited by vladvlad; Mar 17, 2010 at 08:05 PM.
Proud member of [Pandora]
Regarding my post earlier saying that the map pack would be free, disregard that, it will cost 1200 ms points, 15 USD. WTF, its $3 a map.

Originally Posted by mrninja View Post
how many nukes hace y'all gotten i got
9 right now

25, and I really don't see the point in them. It just shows people how were able to camp the whole match and ends your streak abrubtly. It's like "yay, I got a 25+ ks and now the military is going to let me drop a nuclear bomb on my team mates and I, hurr durr." Anyone agree?
Oh my, what is this doing here?