Nobody is even like OH MY FUCKING GOD!! when an american soldier is tortured... THAT shit doesnt even make the fcking news because its old news. They do it all the tme. But when an american soldier tortures someone or something else, everyone assumes that the ENTIRETY of america is like that. (Why? Because we obviously dont condone it. {For the jackasses who assume we allow it because one small unit does it ONCE.} DERP)
AND NO GENKI, I am not looking to "add anything TO" your statements. They are all false, becuase you werent atually there to see it. If you believe everything you see on the internet and the news, your opinion is very horribly misguided in any irection by anything you watch or read.
Get an opinion of your own, and not your twisted government. By the way, little do you know. Your goverment is getting put on the list along with Iran and Possibly israel is hey keep pissing off obama. So of course you are wonderfully mal-informed on just bout anything to do with America.
Again, The dog was dead, and unfortunately, we have to shoot any freaking dog that comes near us because thelove to shove IEDs up their asses and send them to play.
Look that up. Its a very strong kung fu technique, its called... "The Way of The Exploding Dog."
Get a clue. If you hate America so much. Why waste your time demonizing our troops and getting no where with it, and just petition your little thid world country to declare war?
Surely that may get you farther than using our own wonderful education against us making your own gramatical loop holes eventually leadng to the same end. All your gripes were answered with more than real and legitimate reasons.
You want me to say we are evil?
Yes we are all evil, and shall dominate the world. Mwuahahahha. /sarcasm.
Get a grip. And a Reality check. Why dont you venture for your self past your own little front yard and take a look at the real world. Your government could do no worse, ad we might be over hee watching your TROOPS.. Raping women and gutting children.
There isn't anything on the internet about us doing that yet. Just us, executing a few dogs, shooting a sick camel in the middle of the night with AP Cannons because it glowed to bright on our thermals. (Thought it was machinery appearently. But it was paid to the owner of that camel.)
AND SLAUGHTERING EVERYONE IN FALLUJAH AFTER A FEW STRAIGHT MONTHS Of, Broadcasting via, loud speaker in their native language throughout the city, to get the fuck out, unless you are and insurgent, and want to die.
Any women or children that stayed there were considered active combatants. And guess what? Falls under the Conventions... Even if unarmed, they were still warned which totally negated ay arguemet you made previously.
Take your null, and blind, let alone combat inexperienced opinions. and STAR SPANGLE Banner them right up your alley, until you can actually say. "Yeah man. I saw it with my own eyes. I was there. It was as fucked up as the media made it look."
Because there was an old video of where a baby died and the baby sitter was accused of shaking the baby to death. Looked brutal.
But it was edited. Film was cleverly cut out and looped.
Just like the yelping sound was added to the dog carcass. But the marines were charged for even approaching it because most of them usually contain a bomb.
Get some facts. And stay on topic. A dead dog's corpse is of no consequence. Even if it were alive. If you are clearing a house, and a dog starts barking nd may give up your position? Its common practice and even trained, to slit its throat.
And to the moron who asked me if i ever had been around animals. READ MY POST AGAIN:
I stated they dont have "MUCH" of a personality. EVERY DOG BARKS, no matter how different they sound, its a bark, every dog wags its tail if they still or (ever)had one. But they all show too similar of personality quirks and can be predicted by behavior depending on how they were raised.
Two Pit bulls can be teddy bears if raised the same way by two different people, or vicious attack dogs.
But its still typical dog, horse, or whatever behavior.
The only difference between us and them is that we are Sentient. And intelligence can change how a person percieves something. Something horrible happens to them, they wil either become hardened toward it, and commit it upon others, or they will become hardened from it and learn what not to do to others.
An animal could hav ate your fucking couch two days ago, but you cant punish it for two days ago, because its mental incompcity for boh personality and sentient behavior does not allow it to know what it is being punished for.
Catch my drift? Make sure you read the part "MUCH" next time.
ANd soku, i can prove i wasin the marines, But the document DD214 that has my proof, has my social security number on it, and i am not a fan of throwing that on the internet.
Marines dont have soldier numbers(They arent "soldiers" thats why...Its uncle sam's thing.), and even if i did have one, you wouldnt be able to just google it to find out if its real... lol.
**EDIT** Out of every single one of th videos, those are ether U.S.Army, or black water. Marines dont hop in random vehicles or unauthorized ones and shoot up the highway... Nice try. Let alone army... I am getting a good laugh. Again you shoot friendly dogs incase they have bombs shoved up their ass, That clip of them shooting the dog is pointless. Again.
The torture in the topvideo was done by Saddam's men. Not ours. We dont just hand outpower drills to our troops like candy.
Last edited by Donseluke; Mar 16, 2010 at 08:41 PM.