Christmas Lottery
That one man happened to be the secretary general of the UN, but i guess you didn't read the whole thing, did you?

I'll pick out some quotes, let me know if you want any of them explained in simple english:

the decision to take action in Iraq should have been made by the Security Council, not unilaterally.

there should have been a second UN resolution following Iraq's failure to comply over weapons inspections.

When pressed on whether he viewed the invasion of Iraq as illegal, he said: "Yes, if you wish. I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN charter from our point of view, from the charter point of view, it was illegal."

I really dont want to bother discussing an issue that is already closed. You're trying to argue that black is white.
There was a first UN RESOLUTION, and that WAS INVADING. And yes, i read it all. There were more people against him than for him.

But go ahead and explain if you will. Or can.

Quite frankly black is white? Thats an opinion? Thats your arguement? That i am saying black is white? Thats cute of you. Adorable.

There is too many gray areas where it can be pushed either way.

I want the legal documents. Even though he is high up. He s still just ONE man. And the others that followed suit, they are just YES men. Paid to say YES!

In the end, this discussion is not wether we were supposed to be there in the first place. It was over a puppy corpse thrown off a cliff.
Last edited by Donseluke; Mar 17, 2010 at 06:17 PM.
<Castra> I'm fingering my butthole right now
<Rainboweye> mocrogunz<Rainboweye> why do you eat smegma ?
Which 'legal documents', exactly?

Did you not understand what the guy was saying, btw? He clearly stated that the improper procedure was followed in giving the invasion of iraq the green light, providing a reason why.
Originally Posted by Donseluke View Post
Its real simple, by being there in the first place to save them from their dictator so they arent tortured with camel spiders is plenty good enough in my book, giving them a chance at a better way of life where they can make their own decisions and not be killed just because they have an opinion, even better.

We are there because we are trying to spread capitalism dressed up as democracy. This all has very little to do with the US wanting to "liberate" anyone. We would just as soon not give a flying dog shite if it weren't for the fact that Irag and Pakistan would be very useful to the west (yes, the UK also).

Read up on global colonization and modern day imperialism. A great many of the most recent dictators were put in power and funded by the US. It's only when they stop listening to us that we decide to "free" their people from their tyranny. If the west actually gave a shit about that sort of thing we would have been in a similar war with the situation in Darfur, but Darfur isnt sitting on oil and located in a strategically useful part of the globe.

In short, nobody gives a piss about camel spiders, the goal is to turn Iraq/Pakistan/wherever into yet another capitalist state with which to do unfair business.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I want the said documents that the man was talking about that deemed that the war in iraq such as invasion, let alone the 'green light' that was given for the go ahead was illigal. Let alone his reason was still opinion based.

I want THE qoute from the UN Charter that states that its illegal.

It is still based on his opinion with no reference to the section or various sections that would render the 'green light' illegal.

And yes deady, you have a valid point. IT IS INDEED poven that the very taliban we are fighting now were originally funded by us to take on the soviets. And Saddam aswell was supplied. But still, as far as i am concerned, we made a mistake on both parts, and now we are trying to make it right.

You would still have to prove for a FACT that those goals you said, or 100% fact. Not just assumptions on personal gain.
I still dont see a need much more than that for us to be there, but either way, we are there.

And camel spiders were just one example of the many tortures that came to light over there. So, a few lives for countless more. A little rash? Dont think so.

And how is it that you know for a fact that we arent making sure they put in their constitution that they can't have a dictator in power, or that he does not have any rights or legal backing to postpone an election?
Last edited by Donseluke; Mar 17, 2010 at 06:35 PM.
<Castra> I'm fingering my butthole right now
<Rainboweye> mocrogunz<Rainboweye> why do you eat smegma ?
Originally Posted by Donseluke View Post
I want the said documents that the man was talking about that deemed that the war in iraq such as invasion, let alone the 'green light' that was given for the go ahead was illigal. Let alone his reason was still opinion based.

I want THE qoute from the UN Charter that states that its illegal.

It is still based on his opinion with no reference to the section or various sections that would render the 'green light' illegal.

Who decides if it is illegal or not for UN forces to do thing like this? Oh, right, the UN. :/ kinda like a cop running a red light...
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Yeah, but it happens. They gave us the go ahead, and we did. I think i stated several times that we had better things that needed attention in america than being the world's police force.

Still no qoute from the legal document heh? I cant seem to find it myself.

ANd you are talking like the UN itself is just one country... Oh no. It falls under the other countries of the U.N. To speak up. And they, failed to do so without the proper information and research to do it.

I think what we are looking for is something called.. Perfection. And no human being is perfect. Hence why there are somethings about the war that arent kosher. You expect marines to be perfect... Well, even if they are litterally an army of machines and computers, they still wont be, and the way we do things or justify things we do will never be perfect.
Last edited by Donseluke; Mar 17, 2010 at 06:48 PM.
<Castra> I'm fingering my butthole right now
<Rainboweye> mocrogunz<Rainboweye> why do you eat smegma ?

This topic is bad and you should feel bad.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
One dead puppy, thrown off a cliff, is of really no consequence to anyone considering it was already dead. If it was rigged to boom, it would have only been consequence to the guys who even approached it in the first place. And was consequence to them because they spent time in the brig for breaking procedure, of not approaching dead things that might explode.
Last edited by Donseluke; Mar 17, 2010 at 07:03 PM.
<Castra> I'm fingering my butthole right now
<Rainboweye> mocrogunz<Rainboweye> why do you eat smegma ?
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post

This topic is bad and you should feel bad.

aye, certainly not a highpoint in the forums history.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.