Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post
I got banned for telling veb to go fuck himself.

On three separate occasions.

That's weird. I did that multiple times and he didn't seem to care.

I remember this one time I was banned for having a swastika japanese peace sign, and when I came back some jackoff had a picture of hitler as his avatar and swastikas as his user title and nobody cared.

^This is why I got to believing that the moderators here single me out
i liek turtelz xd
Your relationship with veb is not quite the same as my own.

Also, you probably did not say it quite the same way.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

Ive been banned from Runescape for "making a mod cry"... thats what it said. I beat his ass and took lots of stuff from him in a stake battle in the duel arena... so i got banned LOL. I have also been banned from Combat Arms once for my first shot in the game ever was a headshot from across the map with a pistol. lol.
Mammary Gland Holders of the Humanoid Lifeforms Commonly Known As, Homo Sapiens.
I was banned for calling someone a noob.

cus, he wanted help with where to post something. And he was like "where do i post this, lol, i feel like such a noob rite now."

so i sed "its because u are a noob." and I was banned :/
My name's Mr. Cupcake.
Another time CMon banned me for posting in a thread that said "Post here to get unbanned".

He r speciel.
i liek turtelz xd
I got banned once for posting a thread asking people if they could post a reply in another thread (linked to the Post Reply bit), but the thread I asked people to post in was the old "post here to get banned thread".

6 people posted, got banned, then someone was like "hey wait a second..." and I got banned

Also got banned for telling a guy to delete system32
A pig and a cow and @#w#@ can be the very best of friends
Originally Posted by apple View Post
I've not been banned in the past, but eh, I've banned people for stupid stuff. n_n

I'd really love to hear about these, care to share*?

*Lol, I made a rhyme.
i liek turtelz xd
banned for saying that atheists should be more open minded (by junt in debate)
A pig and a cow and @#w#@ can be the very best of friends
Meh, the debate forum had a lot of issues. It was like: "You can debate, as long as you don't debate".

Now that debates are in discussion, its gotten a lot more relaxed though. Although that's a curse at the same time its a blessing <.<
i liek turtelz xd