View Poll Results: Do you want to see us like a oficial clan?
25 Votes / 86.21%
4 Votes / 13.79%
Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Heya, I know these guys! Hack will support em (becoming allies) coz I think all must have fun, especially newbies, they are more active than oldfaegs like me :P GL, [fire].
[Damned] Clan Bank. All inventory on sale
The rankin' system was stolen from clan Aliens.
I said 'stolen' because no one from Fire clan didnt asked us about it.

So this is kinda plagiarism.
hey guys its mcbrody i only need 13k more to get full textures lol but you dident send me 8k with the vampire
1.)nickname rayray21
2.)belt (min belt is brown) 3 dan (almost 4th dan)
3.)age 18
4.)mods wushu aikido judo ninjutsu lenshu
5.)time that u are playing(hours a day) 2-3
6.)time that u are playing tb dont remember
7.)won tourneys none
8.)reason to join Дессен пригласил
9.)tell us something about urself: ur interests, preferences etc.
10.)icq / skype ( better Skype) ты знаешь
11.) e- mail adress ты знаешь
12.) Nationality Украинец
rayray21 - welcome
Kooky pirates555 is in clan for already 1 week ( he joined while he was playing with us)
But he know english very bad/
there is a rule that every memer must at least 1 time to write here so he wrote that he is really in our clan that we havent just writen his name here/
So everything is OK
1.)ник -- Datel
2.)пояс ( минимальний коричневый) -- Black
3.)возраст -- 17
4.)освоенные моды -- classic, sambo, aikido, artillery, blender, zipline
5.)сколько времени играете (часов в день) -- 2-3
6.)сколько в торибаше -- may be 2 years
7.)выигранные турниры -- none
8.)почему хотите вступить в клан -- просто хочу)
9.)расскажите о себе: ваши интересы,предпочтения и т.п. -- Рисую, создаю 2d игры
10.)icq / skype ( лучше скайп) -- Datel777
11.) емейл адресс -- [email protected]
12.) национальность -- Russian