All this text makes me think about how this system is actually gonna work out.
Is it that everyone with an american passport will get treatment in hospitals, or is it like it is here in germany that you are forced to have some sort of health insurance if you work ?
Only the first of these would enable foreigners who work without paying tax to get free treatment, which is, in my opinion, not right. Legal work leads to paying taxes, leads to health insurance, thats how its been over here for ages ( unemployed people aside, we cover those too, if they have a german passport that is ) Everything else would be a burden to society. This might sound cruel to some people but you know how it is, one loophole and all the leechers are gonna fill the place up !
PS: my insurance just went up 8 Euros a month, paying about 67 euros for it now ( usually the other half gets covered by the company you work for.)
Last edited by Rutzor; Mar 23, 2010 at 12:06 AM.